Mirror artifact

"Huf Huf"

After running for more than 100 miles in the underground tunnel made by Errol, everyone started breathing heavily and gasped for air.

"Why is he taking so long?"

As soon as they came out of the underground tunnel, Errol asked Cerauno about Ajax.

"Master said that he would be here within a minute."

Cerauno replied with a confident look on his face.

"He has to come out as soon as possible because I need to destroy this tunnel to cover our tracks."

Errol was a little anxious because he just wanted to leave this western fox lands for a few years now.

However,  the mirror artifact said that he had to wait in this spirit stone mine for his son's future.

So, he was waiting for his son to come and since he met his son, he wanted to leave the western fox lands as soon as possible because almost all the places in the western fox lands were under the surveillance of the summoner's group.

"I am here."