Three-eyed ghost fox

"Now, it is time to have a little chat with the main two tribes."

After cleaning the entire battlefield, Ajax said to others.

"Yes, master."

"Yes, summoning master."

Everyone nodded their heads and flew into the air.

Upon Errol's request, Ajax left a few bird tribesmen with the grey-furred tribesmen to help them.

"Uncle Errol, can you give some details about the two main fox tribes?"

While flying, Ajax asked Errol to briefly explain about his two rival tribes.

In the past, there were only three main fox tribes and they were the Ghost fox tribe, the Tailed spiriti fox tribe and the Demonic fox tribe.

Since Errol was the tribe leader of the Ghost fox tribe leader, Ajax wanted to gaied some information about the other two tribes.

"Among our three tribes, the Tialed spirit fox tribe used to be the strongest one by an inch. As for my Ghost fox tribe and the Demonic fox tribe, we had the same strength."