Great Arcane Refiner

It is not the system that was giving leeway for Ajax to upgrade his spirit beast. It was the reward for completing the mission from the 'Spirit Beast Quest Tab'.

The reward was Ajax could increase the cultivation of any three spirit beasts from rank 5 to rank 6.

Since little fuzzball and the little green were still in the low-grade rank 5 realm, he chose them to make full benefit from the rewards.

Moreover, he felt the skills from those two spirit beasts would be helpful for him.


          Congratulations to the host for gaining two more rank 6 spirit beasts.


          Arcane spirit turtle learned a new skill 'Great arcane refiner'


        Re-cultivated spirit beast Zan learned a new skill 'Furious Earth King'.

Soon, the bright light that was covering Ajax and his two contracted spirit beasts disappeared without a trace.