Four-eyed Ghost Fox

'Master, I am here.'

As soon as the three-eyed ghost appeared in Ajax's hands, it sent a voice transmission to Ajax.

"It looks like you are enjoying it a lot here."

Although he didn't see or ask what the three-eyed ghost fox was doing, looking at the small black fox in his hands, Ajax could feel it was happier compared to the time when he was with him.

"Yes. Master."

Ghost nodded his head as he asked Ajax, "Is there anything important, Master?"

Since Ghost was still a child, Ajax didn't mind the hastiness of his contracted spirit beast.

"I will not waste so much of your time."

Ajax replied to Ghost with a slight smile on his face as he didn't bother to explain the reason; instead, he directly placed his right hand on the black fox's small head before ordering the system, 'Increase his cultivation to low-grade rank 6.'
