Crowned Turquoise Queen

Secret realms are classified into three types and they are low-grade, mid-grade and high-grade.

Having a low-grade secret realm connected to a lowly province like Zrochester province is already a good thing, not to mention how great it was to have a mid-level secret realm.

With the increase in the grade of the secret realm, the benefits it gives to the beings inside it will be increased.

'I wonder how good a high-grade secret realm would be.'

Looking at his surroundings, Ajax wondered about the high-grade secret realm as he continued to think, 'I wonder whether I can own a high-grade secret realm in the future.'

As for the Turquoise secret realm, the sky had the turquoise colour and around him, there were small turquoise pools; however, Ajax thought none of them were 'Sacred Pool'.

Because he didn't feel any strong concentration of the essence of nature more than five times.

That's right!