Crowned Turquoise Queen's Past

'Huh? A new mission at a time like this?'

Ajax was surprised for a moment as he didn't expect to get a system mission right now.

'Let's see what the mission is.'

Nevertheless, he thought to check the mission.


          Mission name:- Protect the Little Blue.

          Grade:- A +

          Reward:- A special skill 'Barrier jumper'.

          Skill Information:- With that skill, the host can pass through any barriers below King grade barriers.

            Mission Aim:- For the next six months, the host has to protect the mutated spirit crane.

          Mission details:- Because of the host's actions of giving a primitive stone, the mutated spirit crane's bloodline 'Crowner Turquoise Queen' purity increased to 50 percent. There is a mysterious group from the other provinces hunting down the bearers of that bloodline for some unknown reason.