[Bonus chapter]Healing the Ape's Soul, Generous rewards


          Yes, but everytime, he enters into someone's soul space, it would continuously push your consciousness out of it. Moreover, staying long in someone's soul space will make your soul weak for some time.

'So, this is what you warned me about. Don't worry, I will not stay for long here.'

Ajax understood why the system informed him earlier that his soul would also take a toll from jumping from one soul space to another.

Soon, after that, he looked at the soul in the distance and moved towards it.

The soul was in the shape of a monkey that was small and cute; however, its white body was covered by some grey-coloured thing as though it was corroded.

'Human, please kill me. I can't endure this pain any longer.'

Once he moved towards the small monkey, it opened its eyes and requested Ajax to kill it.