Volcanis and Zen joins the fun

"Damn you, human. You are going to pay for what you did."

When he heard the leader of the elite demon generals, the bronze demon King cursed Ajax.

Because before the devourer eagle king opened the portal, he used to have more than 1000 elite demon generals and more than one billion bronze demons with varying cultivation.

However, now, all that was left in this world for him was 100 million bronze demons and a little more than 100 elite demon generals.

'What am I going to say if I get a new mission from the Silver Bronze world?'

This was the only thought in the bronze demon king's head as he slammed his hands at the boulder that Ajax was standing on.


However, Ajax was careful as he jumped sideways with a slight smile on his face.

"So how is it? Did you find out how my elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts are having fun in your world?"