[Bonus chapter]Three Demon Kings

'Thud thud'


It didn't take much time before another wave of scourge demons started coming at them.

However, compared to before, these waves of scourge demons looked more powerful and they were different in colour.

There are three types of scourge demons that were present in the incoming wave.

Along with the fire scourge demons, there were water scourge demons and wind scourge demons.

Except for the colour, all three types of scourge demons looked the same with huge swords in their hands.

"How dare you enter our world and kill my minions?"

"Today we're are going to kill you."

"Brothers, let's put our differences aside for now and kill these outsiders first. What do you say?"

"Yes, brother. Let's kill them and fight for the divine dragon later."

Not only were their billions of scourge demons in this wave, but there were also three huge scourge demons walking behind their army.