Ancient Trading Mirror


Ajax got shocked by the sudden system notification and felt a slight fear in his heart.

A high-level demon king could easily kill him and his summons. So, Ajax was frustrated at what he had to do now.

'Should I just leave this world?'

Ajax felt it was the best option.

Even though there is another option in which he had to collect the three ancient artifacts of the grey dwarf world and become the protector with 100 percent acknowledgment from all the grey dwarfs.


        Congratulations to the host for completing the mission 'Kill the five demon kings in the grey dwarf world'.


        The host received 200 units of Sacred Astral Energy along with a 'World transmission talisman'.

Just as he was thinking about what to do, he received a couple of system notifications informing him about the rewards for the previous mission.

'This is the reward I am waiting for.'