[Bonus chapter]New assassin god statues

'A reward?'

Ajax was surprised and at the same time, he became a little curious about the reward.

The thing is, he was not expecting a reward from the system just for doing his job of taking revenge against the assassin sect.

So, of course, he was excited with the surprise reward.

'What is it, system?'

Ajax asked with a curious look on his face.


          Host, please be patient.

Ajax shook his head when he saw the system notification and then looked at the eighth elder.

"Do you regret doing the things you did in the past?"

Ajax thought of something and asked the eighth elder.

"No. Absolutely not...haha."

With a chuckle, the eighth elder shook his head as he continued, "I joined this sect because I like killing. I like killing the weak, small, innocent and old."

"Have you ever seen the last look on their faces? They have this look 'Why am I dying?' 'Is this my fate?'."