[Bonus chapter]Coming out of the training ground

# Bonus chapters for Spacecraft (3/10)

'Advanced spatial blades'


'Demon hands'

'Absolute darkness'

'Shadow clone'


'Mountain splitting sword technique'


It took a little more than one minute for Ajax to cut the three-headed serpent's main head; however, it only took a little more than thirty seconds to cut its left head.

Once the two main heads and the left head of the three-headed serpent were cut off, its reaction speed and attacking power decreased gradually.


    The host's 'Aqua dragon bloodline' is deactivated.

Not only the battle prowess of the three-head snake decreased but even Ajax's bloodline was deactivated making his 10 times boost disappear.

So, overall, Ajax was still a little weaker than the single-headed serpent.

'Abyssal beast god bloodline activated.'