Justice and his army of spirit beasts

'It's been a month since I entered the Purple stone world. It will go and train in the Never-returning cave to increase my bloodline points.'

After giving some orders to Lurmer and Tunmil, Ajax thought of returning to the Purple stone world.

Not only to enter the never-returning cave, but he also wanted to see how much his spirit beasts had grown in the Cursed wilderness.

'System, I want to go to the Purple stone world.'

Ajax had a few tickets to the Purple stone world which he earned from the Lucky Roulette spins. So, he asked the system to open the portal.


Soon, a portal opened in front of Ajax as he jumped into the portal.


In the inner section of the cursed wilderness,

"Justice, are you sure about taking the sixth-ranked region on your own?"

Barbarian asked Justice with a serious look on his face.