Merging the cultivator's souls

With the sudden increase in Westin's battle prowess, Ajax didn't have any plans to give up on saving Westin; instead, his determination to save Westin increased even more.

With a powerful cultivator like Westin on his side, their chances of defeating the demons would increase by another level.

'This is getting interesting.'

Ajax felt the current situation was interesting where he had to defeat a powerful mid-level king realm cultivator; however, at the same time, he should be careful not to kill him in the process.

Ajax liked to have challenges and saving Westin is one of those challenges where he should not give up without giving his all.

"Cultivator's souls, merge."

Even though Westin's body was completely covered in injuries, he didn't show any pained expression on his face as he shouted all out.

'What? He is going to merge his cultivator's souls?'