Demon's target:- Ajax

Following the protector Olek's gaze, both protector Erin and Nade saw three high-level kings fighting against the high-level demon kings in the distance.

They were none other than King Louie, King Thomas and King Vincent. Even though they were not the most powerful cultivators among the six kings, they were not weak either.

Moreover, Protector Olek trusts them compared to the other three kings.

"Are you sure they can't stall for some time?"

In the eyes of the two protectors, they still have some doubts because as the protectors, they observed the six kingdoms and their kings for a long time. They always misuse their power and strive for more power even if it destroys the kingdoms.

Moreover, there was also a huge difference in the high-level king realm cultivators between the humans and demons. So, it would be even more difficult for them to stall for time, even if it was only for a minute.