Summons don't want the boost?

'Of course, I saved him and helped a little in gaining control over his new power.'

With a proud smile on his face, Ajax transmitted his voice to Elder Boron.


Elder Boron remained silent and tried his best not to get shocked by Ajax's achievement.

'Anyway, the protector spirit beast needs some help against that high-level demon king named Daen.'

After remaining silent for a few seconds, Elder Boron asked Ajax to help the protector spirit beast.

Even though Elder Boron had enough power to help him, he should not do it.

Because, the moment he joins the fight again, the heated discussion among the demon apostles would come to an end and he would become the center of focus.

'Right now, I have to stall for as much time as possible for others to clear the demon cannon fodder, and demon kings. Then, we can take care of demon apostles together.'