Dean's trump cards

Elder Boron thought that even if Ajax was able to merge three of his elemental spirits, it could not stand a chance against Daen, who could even go against the demon apostle.

Because the three elemental spirits didn't even have the king realm cultivation before merging. So, even if they merge, they could not help the protector spirit beast much.

'Looks like I am lucky and didn't embarrass myself in front of Ajax.'

Elder Boron was glad that he was a little late in asking Ajax what to do; otherwise, he would have been embarrassed to face Ajax later.


'It killed Sir Daen with a single attack?'

'How is that possible?'

'Open your eyes and see for yourself. Sir Daen has been killed by that merged elemental spirit.'

'It's impossible. Sir Daen could even fight the demon apostles head to head. How can he be killed by that merged elemental spirit?'

