The battle goes on...

Actually, only six demon apostles were supposed to fight Elder Boron; however, they were unable to do anything against him.

What's more, one of them got killed by Elder Boron, making the rest of the demon apostles come back to fight him.

They decided that they should just kill Elder Boron as soon as possible and then take control of the Purple stone world.

With an Emperor realm cultivator, no matter how many king realm cultivators the Purple stone world had, they could not do anything against them.

The three golden demon apostles joined with the other demon apostles, leaving the monstrous Daen alone with his fight against the merged elemental spirit, to fight Elder Boron.

Even when 13 demon apostles worked together to fight against Elder Boron, they were unable to kill him; instead, another one of them got killed by him.

Until now, Elder Boron had killed three of the demon apostles reducing their number to 12.