Supreme Grade Spirit Stone

"How many years have passed since then? 15 years?"

The little fairy looked excited to see him as she flew around him.

"Wait…you know me?"

Ajax was surprised to hear the little fairy's words as he asked her.

"Yes. I woke up from my slumber when you were born and I am waking up now."

The spirit of the Purple stone world replied to Ajax as she continued to observe.

"Brat, didn't I already tell you that you were blessed by the world spirit the moment you were born?"

From the side, Elder Boron reminds Ajax about it.

"I thought you were just joking when you said that."

When he heard about the things that happened when he was born, Ajax felt Elder Boron was exaggerating the things.

However, he didn't expect them to be true.

"That's right! When you were born, the heavens blessed the Purple stone world and released pure lightning energy into the world.