Bone restructuring process

'Anyway, it's time to break through into the King realm.'

Ajax was waiting for this for a while. So, he didn't waste any time delaying his breakthrough.

'System, I want to use the Greater world core to breakthrough into the King realm.'

Previously, he received a Greater world core from one of his missions.

The higher the grade of the world core, the more powerful he would become after becoming a king realm cultivator.


          Using the Greater world core to upgrade the host's cultivation to the King realm.


          There will be a complete restructuring of the host's body during the process. So, please endure the unbearable pain.

Soon, the system sent a couple of system notifications, giving a heads up for Ajax.

'Restructuring my body? Unbearable pain?'

Ajax raised his brows; however, he knew becoming powerful comes at a price.