Bonus Mission


          Bonus Mission Name: Kill the ranked Demon Apostles.

          Mission Details: The demon apostles under the demon emperors are ranked depending on their strength and the contribution. Currently, 10 second order demon apostles and the 30 first order demon apostles are rushing towards the Mutated Bronze Demon World.

        Mission Objective: The host has to kill as many ranked demon apostles.

        Reward: A random Demonic Law and Demonic Skill.

        Additional reward: It depends on the number of the ranked Demon Apostles that the host can kill. The more Demon Apostles he kills, the higher the reward will be.

        Mission Failure: None.

Looking at the information on the holographic screen, Ajax could not help but be shocked.

He was not shocked because of the rewards; instead, he was shocked at the fact that 10 second order demon apostles and the 30 first order demon apostles were coming to this world.