Weapons Master

'Weapons Master'

As soon as he said that four weapons from the inventory flew out and hovered around him.


          The system detected that the host had four weapons along with their dao.


          Upgrading the Title to level 2.


Ajax was pleasantly surprised as so many good things were happening to him as all his skills, and artifacts were upgraded recently.

Moreover, right now, one of his titles was upgraded because of his longbow dao.

Until now, the system didn't consider his longbow dao; however, after clearing the first hall of the battle tower, his longbow dao became real. Therefore, when he activated his title 'Weapons master', the title automatically upgraded to level 2.


      Title name: Weapons Master (Level 2).

      Weapon daos: Spear (Piercing power), Sword (Fast-type), Battle axe (Explosive-type), Longbow (Accuracy).