
'I wonder how many Nightmare Points I will get.'

This was the last thought in Ajax's head as his spirit consciousness opened its eyes in the endless space.

There, he waited for the system to complete his assessment on the survival of his first Nightmare World.


          Thanks for waiting patiently, host. Your assessment of the survival of the first Nightmare World is ready.

After waiting for who knows how long, Ajax received a system notification that made him heave a sigh of relief.

Even though it would only take one minute in the real world, Ajax could feel the time flowing very slowly, making him bored.

So, he was excited to see the system notification.


          1) The host survived for a day in the nightmare world and gained one nightmare point.

          2) Consumed a rank 4 herb and gained 10 nightmare points.

          3) Killed a rank 3 barbaric beast and gained 5 nightmare points.