Battle Between the Rulers (2)



The red-coloured bats were small but very fast as they reached the birdmen with gold-silver wings and started to attack them.

"No need to hold back. Go all out and kill them."

The golden-winged middle-aged man ordered his 100 subordinates without blinking his eyes.

"Yes, Leader."

Soon, the 100 bird men replied in a serious tone as they summoned silver-coloured swords and started slashing at the incoming blood bats.

"Maximus, are you starting a war between our regions?"

The golden-winged middle-aged man spoke with a face full of seriousness as he asked the handsome man in a red-coloured suit.

"Aveline, you speak as though there was no war between our region?"


After scoffing, the man in the suit turned into a huge red-coloured bat and started attacking the golden-winged man.

"It looks like you are seeking your death today."