Classification of Universe

Seeing the winged golden demon emperor, Ajax became alert despite seeing the white flag in his hands.

Even though the white flag always represented peace, Ajax didn't believe in demons as they were known for backstabbing the moment one let down his guard.

Ajax didn't want to have such a death and hence, he was alert and waited for the demon to speak first.

"Human, I am here to talk to you about something."

The Winged Golden Demon Emperor heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the human in front of him was not some hot-blooded youth that wanted nothing but killing and destruction.

"Before that, let me introduce myself properly."

Soon, he cleared his throat before introducing himself, "My name is Wingo and the new Great Demon Emperor of this Golden Demon Territory."


Ajax was surprised for a moment; however, he didn't show it on his face before asking Wingo, "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"