Darkfire Wraith's Reinforcements (1)

"Human, you are both powerful and arrogant."

The High-level Emperor Realm Darkfire Wraith suppressed its anger and said, "I don't like both of them."

[Dark Spectral Claws]

As soon as Darkfire Wraith finished its words, it rushed towards Ajax with huge transparent claws on both hands.

[Celestial Void Step]


With a side step, Ajax disappeared from his place and appeared 100 meters opposite the direction that Draco and others ran off to.


The Darkfire Wraith didn't stop as it turned around and rushed towards Ajax once again.

[Celestial Void Step]


However, Ajax casually dodged it again.

"Damn you, if you have guts, stop dodging my attacks and fight me properly."

The process was repeated a few more times before the High-level Emperor Realm Darkfire Wraith got frustrated with Ajax's actions and shouted at him.