Exchanging Resources with Prince Dakon (1)

'Huh? What?'

When Ajax went to the Devourer Eagle King and checked the information on the newly awakened Divine Rule, he frowned for a moment before shaking his head.

'I imagined one thing and what I am seeing is another.'

Ajax bitterly smiled as he continued to check the information on the Bestial Divine Rule.


  Divine Rule: Wind (1 percent).

  Effect: Upon activating the Divine Wind Rule, it can teleport to any place in the world within less than a couple of seconds.

  Note: It was not a real teleportation and it's just the speed of the Beast is so fast that it could travel any place in the world.

  Skills: None.

'Even though it is not a Divine Devour Rule, even Divine Wind Rule is not bad.'

Ajax silently thought to himself as he felt he could use it to escape.