Entering Greater Golden Demon World

"It will be one quadrillion trader's tokens."

After thinking for a moment, Ajax said that transaction value which even the top sects won't say casually.

"Q-quadrillion trader's tokens."

The female attendant was shocked as he noted down the details while thinking, 'From the commission from this deal along with my old savings, I can have a hope in buying a Greater World and become the Empress for it.'

Just from Ajax's two commissions, the female attendant has made enough to buy a low-level normal world and once this third commission was completed, she could easily buy a high-level normal world and even apply for a greater world.

'However, compared to buying the Greater World, I should upgrade my rank in the organization and ascend to Heavenly Realm with its help.'

Soon, she suppressed her old dream and focused on the new dream as she helped Ajax regarding the commission.