Killing the Elemental Spirit Emperor (1)

'Divine Dark Rule, activate.'

As soon as he found the Dark Elemental Region, Ajax didn't waste any time as he activated his Divine Dark Rule.


 The host has activated the Divine Dark Rule and it will last for 20 minutes.

The system did its usual thing which was informing the duration of the Divine Rule for Ajax to keep track of the time.

[Divine Dark Rule - Absorption Effect]

[Dargon Soaring Nine Heavens]


Without any hesitation, Ajax activated the second effect of the Divine Dark Rule along with his main circulation method.

In the next second, his cultivation speed increased by 1000 times. (10 times from the Jade Bracelet and 100 times from the Absorption Effect).

Since Ajax was using one skill after another without sparing any Divine Essence of Nature, Ajax wanted to replenish his Divine Essence of Nature.