Mystic Consciousness Cultivation Technique


Hearing the cute baby dragon's words in the Bestial Consciousness, Ajax was momentarily surprised.

Re-cultivation for the Spirit Beasts was a common process to transform into a human or humanoid version of their race.

However, Re-cultivation of the Bestial Consciousness and that is repeating the re-cultivation process again and again was something that Ajax had never heard of.

"Are you sure that the awakening percentage of your Bestial Divine Rules will increase by 5 percent after completing your re-cultivation of the Bestial Spirit Consciousness 10 times? Also, what other benefits do you get for the completion of each re-cultivation?"

Nevertheless, Ajax came to his surprise and asked Oberon about the benefits of re-cultivating 10 times.

Regular Re-cultivation for the Spirit Beasts gives many unimaginable benefits; however, Ajax was curious about what type of benefits he would get for each re-cultivation.