Stat Sheet (Chapter 22) **Spoilers**

Name: Michael Green

Alias: The Grin

Titles: Magician, Annihilator

Race: Demon God

Level 18 (145/500)

(+10hp, +0.1 Resistance, +0.1 Damage output, + 6 stat point per level)

Lifespan: 250 (50 his vessels lifespan + 200 Tier Mortal (High))

Tier: Ascended (low)

Stat Points: 8

Health: 1880/1880 – 15.8 regen per minute (+20hp per VIT and +10 per level) (+200 hp for ascended tier.)

Mana: 2720/2720 – 9.4 regen per minute (+10 mana per MGC) (+100% Magic Amplification) (+200 mp for ascended tier.)

Stamina: 575/575 – 7.5 regen per minute (+5 per VIT) (+200 sp for ascended tier.)

Str: 69 +10 (Strength gives 1. Physical damage, 2. Power to lift and throw 3. Each point 0.2hp per minute)

Vit: 65 +10 (Vitality gives 1. Each point +10hp 2. Physical Defense 3. Each point +5 Stamina)

Dex: 65+10 (Dexterity gives 1. Speed 2. Each point 0.1 stamina per minute 3. Each point 0.1%critical strike chance)

Int: 84 +10 (Intelligence gives 1. processing speed 2. mental fortitude 3. Each point 0.1 Mana regen per minute)

Wis: 85 +10 (Wisdom gives 1. Creativity 2. Skill mastery speed 3. Magic Defense)

Mgc: 116 +10(Magic gives 1. Each point +5 mana 2. Magic damage 3. Magic Affinity)

LUC: 6 +10(Luck gives … well … luck?)

(+10 is for the Ascended tier)



Divinity – Mind [Level 1/?] [needs 3 sparks of divinity to level up 0/3]

You have ignited a spark of divinity toward the realm of mind. At Max level this power can go toe-to-toe with Mind Stone.

Ability Level 1: Mental Defense /Master/ [Level 1/10] (Passive) + 50 Int

Next Level: ???

Divinity – Knowledge [Level 2/?] [Needs 5 sparks of divinity to level up 0/5]

You have ignited a spark of divinity toward the realm of Knowledge. At Max level this power can unravel the secrets of universe, if not the multiverse.

Ability Level 1: Photographic Memory [Level Max] (passive) + 50 WIS

Ability Level 2: Speed Reading [Level Max] (passive)

Next Level: Observe [Level 1] (active) + 25 WIS

Divinity – Magic [Level 2/?] [needs 5 sparks of divinity to level up 0/5]

You have ignited a spark of divinity toward the realm of Magic. At Max level this power can help you destroy universes with chanting words or snap of fingers.

Ability Level 1: All Talent [Level Max] (passive) + 50 MGC

Ability Level 2: Wind Affinity

Next Level: Earth Affinity + Nature Affinity

Knight of Hell – Demonic Powers [Level 1/5] [need 15000 souls for level 2 (0/15000)]

Abilities: Deal with the Devil [Level Max] / Cannot Change Vessels / Cannot be exorcised / +10% damage against Anti-Demon magic and light magic / Holy water proof / Cannot be trapped in symbols / Telekinesis(Epic) / Demonic Teleport / Power of Disaster (Master) / Nightmare control (Master) / Soul torture (Master) / +50 physical stats / Immortal Body (Only to be cut but not die, not the life span) / Eye Colors: Red – Black

Knight of Hell Level 1: Immortal body + cannot be trapped in symbols

Knight of Hell Level 2: +25 physical stats + Weather Manipulation + Power of Disaster (Grandmaster)

Knight of Hell Level 3: Demonic Energy Control Skill [Max] (Can control demons too)

Knight of Hell Level 4: +25 physical stats + Demonic Magick + Biokinesis

Knight of Hell Level 5: +50 physical stats + Demonic Smite

System – Gamer [Level 18/?] [Level of this perk is same as your character level]

Are you playing this game or are you just a game character? who knows?

Ability level 1: Gamers Body [Level Max]

Ability Level 5: Inventory

Ability Level 10: +1 perk (Long-runner: +1 stat per level)

Ability Level 15: Temporary Shop



System Perk:

Gamers Body [Level Max] (Passive)

Ability to live your life as a game. You don't die until your Health goes down to zero.

Divinities and Demonic:

Deal with the Devil [Level Max] (Active)

Ability to Grant wishes for people with the cost of their souls. You'll burn 1 Vit to grant a wish. You need to collect the soul yourself.

All Talent [Level Max] (Passive)

You now have high level talent in all forms of magic.

Photographic Memory [Level Max] (Passive)

Ability to remember and never forget.

Speed Reading [Level Max] (passive)

You only need a glance to read a page


System Skills:

# Skill - Acting /adept/ [Level 5/20] (Passive)

To be or not to be … an actor.

# Skill - Body conditioning /Special/ [43/100] (passive)

Do you even lift bruh?

Current level: +43% speed of physical stats acquiring while training

Each level up: +1% speed

Special effect: each level shapes your body into a more perfect look. *wink*

# Skill – Stealth /adept/ [3/10] (passive)


Magic ability:

Godly Magic:

Divine Arts /Divine/ [Level 1/10]

Let there be light.

This power uses your divinities on pure form of divine.

Level1: Clone creation (You can create max 2 clones containing some parts of your power.) (If any of your clones die, 90% of your powers will be sealed for a year and you will lose a permanent 5% stats.)

Level2: Follower Power System + Prophet Maker

Level3: Power/Buff Granting


Elemental Magick:

[Magic – Wind affinity (Divine) [Level Max]

Effects: +500% Wind magic effects, Free Flying (Wind based Flying), -80% cost of wind based magic]


School of Mind:

#Magic Ability – School of Mind Arts - Meditation /Master/ [5/25] (Passive/Active)

In its passive form, Meditation calms the mind and increases the information processing speed each level.

While active, it doubles the Mana Regeneration.

Current Level: +220% processing

Next Level: +20% processing.

#Magic Ability – School of Mind Arts - Mental Defense /Grand Master/ [2/50](Passive)

A branch of Mental Arts, focusing on defending the mind against intruders or people who want to manipulate it.

Current Level: impenetrable mind (By wizarding standards)


School of Wizardry:

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Magic Channeling [Level Max]

Ability to channel your magic through the wand.

Current level: You can use a tree branch to destroy earth (can use anything to channel)

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Dark Arts mastery [Level Max]

Embrace the darkness.

Effect: +200% Destruction.

Mastery: Can turn a part of mana into dark mana, and use the dark mana to attack which gives erosion attributes.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Occlumency and Legilimency [Level Max]

Effect: Complete defence against wizards / Can penetrate any defences.

Mastery: immune to truth serum.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Warding /Mastery/ [6/25]

Effect: +105% Effect of Wards , -50% Mana Consumption

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Wizarding Runes [Level Max]

Effect: Runes is a language that you can talk like a native.

Mastery: Instant inscribing.

#Science/Magical – School of Wizardry – Arithmancy /Mastery/ [1/25] (To increase the level you need the science part to complete your knowledge)

Effect: You can predict the effects of new spells to a great degree to make them

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Potions mastery [25/25] (Mastery Quest: Make new potions 0/3)

A: What is this goo

B: oh it can resurrect the dead.

Effect: +200% potion effect

Mastery: +50% Chance to find new formulas in ruined potions.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Transfiguration mastery [Level Max]

It's a bird, it's a plane, oh it's McGonagall's table.

Effect: +200% spell effect. +100% exquisiteness of transfiguration.

Mastery: your spells last longer. And if anyone else want to change your transfigured item, they need to spend three times amount of mana.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Spells mastery [Level Max]

"It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long."

Effect: +200% spell effect. +50% reduction of mana cost for spells.

Mastery: +50% Chance of finding new spells, can detect all spells

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Battle magic[Level Max]

A branch of spells that has so much depth that it became a branch for itself.

Effect: +200% destruction.

Mastery: +100% speed of the spell.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Knowledge of flora and fauna /Master/ [25/25] (Mastery Quest: Find new Species 0/3)

How to make friends with the Whomping Willow.

Effect: +200% good impression on animals and plants. -50% chance of them attacking you.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Law and History /Mastery/ [25/25] (Mastery Quest: To dig a new extraction site 0/1)

Humans started goblins war … or did they?

#Science/Magical – Knowledge Astronomy /Mastery/ [1/25] (To increase the level you need the science part to complete your knowledge)

To identify the stars and their patterns and beyond. On the magical side you learn the attribute of the stars and their positions to use in rituals.

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Blood Magick /Mastery/ [Max]

A branch of spells that has so much depth that it became a branch for itself.

Effect: +200% Magic effect.

Mastery: +100% self buff effect , +100% blood curse effect

#Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Evil Magick /Mastery/ [Max]

A branch of magic for using magically created poisons for killing, torture or other uses

Effect: +200% magic effect

Mastery: Can create Basilisk poison mist


School of Arcane:

#Magic Ability – School of Arcane – Wandless Magick [Level Max]

The core of Arcane Magick, Ability to channel your magic without a medium.

Current level: Freely Use Magic without a waste

Max level: Opens Elemental Magick

#Magic Ability – School of Arcane – Magical Levitation /Master/ [10/25] (Active)

A branch of Arcane Magick, Gives Ability to Levitate and control objects.

Current level: Powerful, but still not a Telekinesis.

#Magic Ability – School of Arcane – Apparation [Level Max]

Max level Effect: Opens Space Magic.

#Magic Ability – School of Arcane – Space Magic /Special/ [1/100]


School of Sorcery:

#Magic Ability – School of Sorcery – Mystic Arts /Beginner/ [5/25]

#Magic Ability – School of Sorcery – Dimensional magic /Beginner/ [6/25]

#Magic Ability – School of Sorcery – Eldritch magic /Beginner/ [9/25]