Chapter 3: Wizard

Guys I changes some stuff from the status page. I added tiers which I'm going to explain in this chapter.

And if you see any paradoxes or things that I forgot, please do comment.


Chapter 3: Wizard

I was out for a couple of seconds then I got up with the help of Tom. I tried to play an amnesiac.

Michael: Tom … where am I? Who … who am I?

I tried my best not to laugh or anything. I was never good at acting.

With a *Ding* noise, the blue screen comes.

New Skill Created!

Acting /Basic/ [Level 1/10] (Passive)

To be or not to be … an actor.

Tom looked at me in a bit of confusion and sadness. While he was trying to take me back to my bed he said "lay down here, those idiots need a good lesson. You could've died!" He was getting up out of anger and wanted to rush somewhere.

I said "Slow down. Tell me what happened and everything! Where are we? Who am I? …"

Tom sighed and said "We are in Wool's Orphanage, You are my only friend, Michael Green, and they bully you here, even though I warned them no to."

Then he looked at me with a bit of concern and said "Do you remember which school I go and what I study?"

I was flabbergasted but tried to keep a confused look.

"You … you study, m … magic? You are a magician?"

He smiled and said "At least you remember that much. I warned them not to be stupid. I'll curse them with years of nightmares." his smile turned into a grin "oh and I've got some really good ideas"

I was in deep thoughts. 'If I am not wrong, which I am not, because of my photographic memory, Voldemort started his Hogwarts years at 1939, and he must be a 12? Or 13? He kills his parents in two years?'

'There was no Michael Green in the Canon, but wasn't there? Maybe the only reason Tom wanted to destroy his muggle roots was because they killed his best friend'

"Sorry. I am still a bit foggy with information. What happened to me?"

He got a bit stressed and was playing with his clothes. "They got angry at me and they know that I'll make them have headaches if they get too close, so they hit you in the head to get to me. You were in a critical condition. I didn't have any money to bring a healer hear. And Mrs. Johnson, our caretaker, brought a doctor. He said you might not survive. But you did!" He finished with a smile.

I tried to touch my head and found out that was a bad idea. My whole head was bandaged and it hurt like hell.

'Well … fuck'

"Thank you tom. But could you bring something for me to eat? I feel like I haven't eaten anything in a year."

"Normally you should wait till dinner, but I have a hidden stash of food for emergency. I'll bring you some. Wait." Then he went out.

'He is nice to me. Maybe he hasn't embraced total darkness yet. There are things here that are different than canon.'

Michael: System?

{Hello host. you don't need to say the words. just think about them and I'll come to you.}

'Oh ok. That's convenient! So, do I get a starting package?'


'That's cold. So I saw something about spark of divinity in my divinity part. Could you tell me more about it? And as far as I remember people of Asgard had strong bodies. And is there a crazy god like supernatural here? Is he who created the world?'

{Host, you should know that your divinity is different and unique in some way. it's not like those asgardians nor it is like Olympians or any other deity. As you can see in your status page, you have a rank, a tier, which shows your total power. For now you are a Mortal (High) which means your tier is 3rd level of Mortal realm. Let me give you a summary of powers.

Mortal Realm (3levels) [Each level on Mortal realm increases your lifespan.]

Ascended Realm (3levels) [Each level on Ascended realm increases your Hp/Mp/Sp and +10All stats]

Ancient Realm (2levels) [Each level on Ancient realm helps your body to generate sparks of divinity. Also +20 All stats and also the life span.]

Demi God Realm (3levels) [Increases the spark generation and gives different immunities and resistances. By getting to this level you'll at least have 1000-1500 earth years life span.]

Lower God Realm (??) [??]

God Realm (??) [??]

?? (??) [??]

As you can see host, by reaching a higher level of power you can channel the power of nature in yourself and generate the sparks of divinity. Also you can get them from ancient artifacts, dead body of other gods and places that hold the power of universe. Asgardians are mostly can be categorized in demi god realm (Even though they don't follow this kind of system. Just talking about their overall power.) . Some in Lower god realm. Odin for example is in God realm, so is the Christian god. Christian god is real here but he isn't the creator. He is not that powerful here.}

'So what is the plan here? Do you have a mission for me?'

{Actually yes}


[Your first mission! (You are not a virgin anymore)

Mission: Learn Magic!

As a Demon god who has a divinity for magic, you are pathetic, you fucking muggle!

Requirement to complete:

Reach Intermediate level for 3 branches of magical knowledge in any school of magic of your choice (0/3)

Rewards: Title (Magician), 5000$, 3 Souls, Possible rewards based on the branches you chose]

This system has a bad mouth.


[Mission: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

My little sister's punches are stronger, and what are those chicken legs?

Requirement: Bring your physical Stats to Average Human (15 in physical stats)

Rewards: Healthy body Perk (+10 Health per level)]


[Mission: I'm a genie who eats your soul.

I've seen people saying they would sell their soul for a burger. Let's see if that's true.

Requirement: Use deal with the devil skill to get a soul.

Rewards: Soul Container /Rare/ (full) (2/2), Ability to change your eye color to black (it's cool! isn't it?)]

The door to my room opens and Tom comes in. "I brought you a sandwich, hope it's enough for now. Also we can go to have dinner in an hour."

"Thanks tom."

I took the sandwich and sat on the bed and started eating.

Tom sat there and looked at me as I was taking bites off the sandwich. 'What kind of sandwich is it? Don't care, too hungry!' Then I remembered I had [All Talent] ability which gives me high talent in all magics, and that I had someone who is probably the most powerful Dark lord in the wizard community with me. And we were friends.



"Am I a wizard or a muggle?"

"You are a muggle Michael. You didn't have the school letter and didn't show any signs of magic. You don't remember but you sent letters to Hogwarts headmaster, he can't do anything if you don't show any signs of magic."

'That makes things a bit complicated, I'll try going to Hogwarts but if it doesn't work, I can always go to Kamar-Taj, but with my demonic heritage, Ancient one might burn me to ashes'

"Tom, I know it might sound crazy, but I think I have magic now."

Tom looked at me with sadness and said "Michael, I know being muggle is sad, and I promised you to find a way to unlock magic in you. I've found a way to the restricted section of the library which goes from our dorm room. And it opens with Parseltongue. I'm studying mind arts and blood magic there. If we can transfer a magical blood in you, in theory you might start producing your own magic, but I need the Runes and Arithmancy, and maybe a small ritual to make it work. Give me 3-4 years."

"I'm serious Tom. I think whatever happened to me unlocked my magic."

Tom was getting annoyed and angry "And you said that multiple times a year. I told you we are going to fix your problem. Stop your delusions!"

"Just give me your fucking wand and let me test it!"

Maybe I was more passive before, I mean the previous owner was passive that made Tom's eyes go wide out of surprise.

"Ok, but promise me, when you test it now, you won't annoy me with it till I find the solution."


Then brought out the wand that he kept under his sleeve in a wand holder. He gave it to me with hesitant eyes.

I grabbed the wand and it gave me a feeling of power and belonging. I was going to be a full-fledged god of magic, this was nothing.

I flicked the wand and purple, orange and black energies came out of its tip.


Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Magic Channeling (Wands) /Basic/ (1/3)

Ability to channel your magic through the wand.

current level: most of your magic is wasted

"Hah, I am a wizard!"