Chapter 6: The Wand and the Library

Chapter 6: The Wand and the Library

I was curious and to be honest a bit scared, if it was that easy to find my true nature, I was in danger.

'Maybe Dumbledore also knows about me and is luring me into a trap!'

"How did you find out?"

"Lord, it was the wand. I dabbled in different kind of schools of Magick to improve my art of wand making. I know about the Christian kingdoms of Heaven and Hell and their power, so I added these forces to the wands, the black energy was your demonic powers, the purple shows the access to the Arcane School of Magick, and the orange the powers that are unknown to me. Lord, I've tried but I cannot contact any other demons, they have been in some kind of war for a while and don't answer any rituals of summoning."

'So my first contract fell into my laps like that! I thought of going to a hospital and use the desperation of people to initiate contracts, but if someone knew my identity and I could use my powers to gain more connections, that might be better than many souls!'

"I cannot help you for now."

I could see that the light in his eyes dimmed.

"But …"

He gained a bit of hope "Anything my lord!"

"If you get under the bonds of servitude, I can help you. You see, I'm new to wizardry world, I need a servant with connections and power."

His inner struggle was solved in 4 seconds. "Anything for my baby daughter… Master."

"Good. Get up and tell me which wand to use."

He got up fast and dusted his robe.

"Master, you are also an Arcanist, you can use the arcane magic which doesn't need a wand. Wizardry School of magic, as you might know, is a branch of Arcane magic, it's a failed product to improve arcane magic which made people lose their arcane essence, and they mutated and turned into Wizardry, which needs tools to provide the control. Arcanists don't need these tools."

I said: "So what do you suggest to use as a cover up?"

He thought for a minute and said: "I think I have the perfect wand for you!"

He went to the back of his store and came back with a clean box, which was a surprise in his store.

The wand that was brought out was different than normal ones. It was reddish brown, with a lot of Runes that were inscribed on it.

"It is called a Battle Wand. It gives zero control on your magic, but amplifies the effect of your magic couple of times. The existence of these wands are mostly an open secret, even though the production of these wands use some dark rituals and Necro School of magic which are banned, Ministry needs these wands for its Aurors. Because it focuses on magic amplification instead of control, it is a good wand to use in battles."

I took the wand and flicked it but nothing happened.

"These wands don't use same kinds of cores that my normal wands have."

"It doesn't have a normal core? Does it mean everyone can use it?"

"Well, it does have a core, but not a usual one." When he saw my confusion he continued ", The Cores that I use for my wands are mostly from the body parts of magically powerful creatures, like dragons, unicorns, phoenixes and like that. But these wands that use the Necro Arts, have blood and heartstring of wizards."


"I know it looks weird that the ministry supports it. They regulate the blood and heart string of criminal wizards to the wand makers that have contracts with them. This wand in your hand, I made it for Albus to defeat Grindelwald when he first tried to rise to power. It was really difficult to do something like that under the ministry's nose, but I succeeded. And Albus never fought him. Now that he is out again, still he is doing nothing!"

"He will." I said with a mysterious tone. I was something of a prophet now! "How much for the wand? And is it going to be a problem for other people to see this wand?"

Ollivander took the wand from my hand and used some transfiguration spell to change its shape. After the transfiguration it just looked like a black stick with smooth surface.

"Now no one can know, and there is no tracker on it. And of course it's free for you master."

"Ok. I'll tell Dumbledore that you are going to get the money from him later. And for your little situation, I'm going to come back in couple of days and we can make a deal."

I could see the happiness in his eyes. 'He does love his family a lot!'

"And give me a wand holster."

I got out of the store and met curious eyes of both Tom and Dumbledore. Tom asked about the wand and I said it was ebony wood and the core of a unicorn tail.

It was obvious that Dumbledore knew that I lied, but Tom bought it and we went to the leaky cauldron, from there we used the floo to Dumbledore's office, he then asks Tom to go to his dorm and I accompany him to the headmaster's office. Even though he didn't become the Headmaster till 1965, his influence in the management of Hogwarts was amazing! He WAS a real manipulator! Armando Dippet was the current headmaster, a person with more than 200 years of age in his resume and with a little chat with Dumbledore he signed the paper for my acceptance.

The process of being hired as an assistant librarian ended pretty fast and we went to the library of Hogwarts. The true treasure trove that the castle had.

[You have entered a domain of God of Knowledge - a B level Library (Magical).


Spark generator: If you spend 8 hours a day for a year, you'll gain a spark of knowledge divinity.

Learning increased: +100% processing power.

Book sensing: You can sense all of the books in this library

Book command: You can command books and move them at will.

Ban/Restriction: You can ban people from the library or restrict parts of the library for the selected people.

Requirement: Divinity of knowledge

Conquering Progress: 0%]

I was shocked by the turn of events. I could feel all the books in the library! And even the books outside that belonged here! I could feel the power to summon them back! I didn't know these perks that a divinity could have.

'Just a B level?'