Chapter 14: The message

Chapter 14: The message

"How did you do it Mr. Stark? What was the paper, was that some kind of a force field? Did you know this would happen?" Dr. Erskine pulled Howard Stark to a corner to ask him about what happened.

Howard just said "Not here, not now."

They told the Colonel and the Senator that is was an experimental device that Stark made and it would be presented to military after the complete tests.

Both Colonel and Senator didn't buy it. They knew what Starks limit was.

They took pictures with Captain America and sent some of news to the newspapers.

After everything was finished, Dr. Erskine was escorted out with some soldiers, after I put a marker on him. Before leaving the lab he told Howard that they'll talk tomorrow about the procedure and ways to correct it. Of course he meant the runes.

And Howard stark nodded, understanding what he meant. After leaving the lab went to the Café Blue. I knew he was looking for me, so I got there before him. The same spot.

He came in and sat in front of me.

"So you saw what kind of power runes have."

"I did see that."

"Are you ready for more?"


Then I gave him a piece of paper with 3 Runes on it.

"Then when you finish my house, burn this and I'll come to teach you, in that house."

I got up and went toward the door.


I turned toward him. "What?"

"Did you know that Dr. Erskine was going to be attacked?"

I smiled but he couldn't see that.

"Of course. I am a god after all."

"A god?"

"The world is bigger that you think Howard."

Then I disappeared. It was some healthy curiosity for him. A bit of mystery would make him work more.

I appeared inside Hogwarts again. Not inside the main library, but inside Salazar's Library. With my increased INT, along with my photographic memory and speed reading and the fact that I didn't sleep, I was finished with a mastery of blood magic overnight.

I was checking Dr. Erskine every now and then to see when he is free to talk. That night he wasn't, so I let it go. I knew that they increased his bodyguards around his house in fear of Hydra.

I started to learn Salazar Style of Dark Arts that I felt something was wrong. I had a bad feeling. I checked Dr. Erskine and saw that he was tied to a chair and someone was punching him to ask about the agent they lost and the serum.

Half of his guards were Hydra agents that killed the other half.

I summoned my staff and appeared in the living room with a pop noise, beside Dr. Erskine. I raised my staff and hit the bottom to the floor which caused all of Hydra agents to fall under my Petrificus Totalus spell.

I looked at half dead Dr. Erskine. "It hasn't been 24 hours since the last time I saved your life Dr."

"H … Help … m … e"

"Unfortunately I don't know healing magic."

"N…No healing. Kill … Kill me. The secrets. I can't … tell them."

"Now that's something I can't do. I like you personally." I looked at the 5 agents that were frozen and their eyes were moving really fast.

"I don't know the healing arts, I just know a form of healing but I can't do it right now. You need to try to stay awake for 10 minutes."

Dr. Erskine wasn't going to die in ten minutes. The agents wanted him to talk. So they kept him alive. He would survive.

I pointed my staff at one of the Hydra agents and said "Legilimens"

After spending two to three minutes of mind reading I went to the next one. It took me 10 minutes to gather anything useful. Then I moved my staff in a circle and with the help of my newfound mastery of Blood magic, I said "With a fire, comes phoenix, and with a blood comes life."

Bodies of those agents started to be ripped apart and their bloods gathered in a big orb. I used some blood magic on the orb and gave it healing properties, then turned the blood type into O negative (That was why blood magic was dangerous, because wizards didn't know about blood types), then the blood orb moved toward Dr. Erskine and was absorbed through his wounds. Suddenly color came back to his face and all of his wounds healed. In the meantime I obliviated him about the memories of me using mind arts. People might become scared if they find out I can invade their most private parts. (Their mind!)

When he opened his eyes, he looked at me fearfully. "You … saved me?"

"Yes Dr. Erskine. And no, we cannot talk right now. I prefer to postpone our talk until tomorrow, maybe a breakfast at 9?"


"Then it's settled. I'll send you to Howard Starks house."

"Wait …"

I used Stupify on him before he could say anything. Apparated him to where Howard was. When I appeared in Howard's bedroom, I saw three naked girls and a naked Howard on a king sized bed.

'Way to go Howard. I hope they didn't give him any STDs'

I put the unconscious doctor on the bed with them.

"Sorry doctor. It's going to be weird tomorrow but you are going to be safe with him."

Then I apparated out.


It was around 12 at Hogwarts and I had 1 hour before my 9 O'clock meeting with Dr. Erskine. Disappeared from Salazar's library and appeared in the Hogwarts library. I didn't want to give away the coordination of that library to any house elf related to Dumbledore. I called a house elf and Muddy appeared and brought food with him.

I was having my lunch that I saw Tom joining me inside the library. But something was off and I knew it. Whoever it was that came inside the library looked like tom, the aura was masterfully copied to be like Tom, but it wasn't Tom.

"Hello Michael"

"Hi, I want to say Tom and play this little game of yours but it's boring and I got more important stuff that need my attention, so I ask one time, nicely, who are you?"

He was shocked. And said: "Wha … What are you talking about? I am Tom."

"Oh come on, you really want to play that game?"

I didn't stop eating my soup and I moved my free hand and many spells where shot at him, he tried to evade the spells but they were faster than him.

"So you didn't use polyjuice or body transfiguration. You are not a wizard! Are you? I am intrigued." I stopped eating. And walked toward him. He tried to run away but he hit an invisible barrier that stopped him from leaving the library.

"You want to leave my domain without my consent? Funny."

He looked angry. Jumped toward me to punch me, and I grabbed his punch. My +100 stats in my domain was really useful.

"You are stronger than Tom. You don't seem like a demon. A shapeshifter?" I saw him wince. "Then a shapeshifter."

I summoned silver arrows and I could see fear in his eyes.

"Tell me. Who sent you? And where is Tom?"

He didn't say anything. 'Someone scarier than me ordering it? Let's see.'

I looked at his eyes and he had a powerful wall around his mind. I couldn't normally break it.

He smirked. "You can't force me to tell you. Just kill me."

"That you are wrong."

I summoned my staff and with a push of magic he was forced to sit down. I put my staff on top of his head and use a full force mind invasion. "Legilimens"

Each of my attacks were making a dent on his defense and after my fifth attack his defense broke. I started going through relative memories about me and the person who sent him and the reason he was there, and of course Tom.

Tom was unconscious. He was there with two of his friends. They used their shapeshifting powers to infiltrate Hogwarts to get to me. And the person behind it. I found a locked memory about the person behind the order. It was coded. It didn't took much time for me to decode it and see the memory. When I used the decoding magic on it suddenly a memory was showed to me.

A man with white hair and the elder wand in hand was sitting on a chair. He looked at me in the eyes and said: "Hello Michael, sorry for this unconventional way of sending a message. As you might know my name is Gellert Grindelwald. I hope you didn't take offense in it. If you can see this memory then I was right and we can help each other a lot, I know about you and your secret. And I know about the contracts. I think we can help each other a lot, I need some contracts. If you are interested, meet me at the Leaky Cauldron on the next Monday after you kill this shapeshifter."

'To send a message through someone else's mind, this dude is … luxurious. I don't have that kind of luxury for myself. I must be fun.'

I got out of the shapeshifter's mind and saw him half dead. I used a spell to cleanly burn the body. It was Saturday. I didn't have anything particularly planned and Grindelwald could be a good ally to have. He wasn't a madman like Voldemort. I stopped the Voldemort before he was created in Tom's mind. I didn't know if I wanted to stop Grindelwald.

I should go and help Tom.


After helping Tom and killing those two shapeshifters who were making sure he stays unconscious, I want to see Dr. Erskine, He was sitting at a table with Howard. The table was in the yard, on the grass, in front of a pool in which a couple of girls with bikinis were playing and swimming in. I appeared before them. "I see you are enjoying the view Dr. Erskine."

He was shocked with my presence. I was wearing my usual coat/mask/staff/hat combination.

"Oh, Mr. Grin. Mr. Stark was told me how you saved my life during the procedure and I should thank you for getting rid of the Hydra agents at my house."

"It was my pleasure to save a brilliant mind, like yours."

I sat at that table and said "What are you having for breakfast? Do you mind if I join in? I was having lunch in London and it was interrupted, I'm a bit hungry."

Howard stark poured some orange juice for me and said "Please, join us. I can order the Chef to cook anything you want."

I thanked Howard stark and looked at Dr. Erskine. "So, the serum was a success. It's sad to see that you didn't have a time to celebrate it. Unlike Howard here."

Howard smirked. And Dr. Erskine chuckled and said ��That's true. When I woke up today beside Mr. Stark and three girls I was shocked for a half hour. That could turn into a heart attack."

Howard stark said "Oh Dr. Erskine, don't say that. You should call me Howard after last night's incident. I can plan a celebration party for you."

We laughed a bit and finally I said "So Dr. Erskine, do you think working for this government and making an army of super soldiers for them is the best idea? Even Howard doesn't sell his bad boys to the government and hides them."

Howard said "I'm not even going to ask how you know that, but it is true. The idea of a whole army of super soldiers under one government is scary."

Dr. Erskine was silent and I continued. "Dr. Erskine, even though you and Mr. Stark are accomplished scientists, I can say that you do not know anything about this world. I, as a grandmaster magician, do not say I know much either. But I know there are things that exist and are not fairy tales. Demons, Angels and Gods. All exist in this world."

Erskine was stunned by my words.

"I want to create an agency to help this world prosper and keep it safe. Are you someone that I can trust doctor?"