Chapter 013! Accelerate!

'So you just simply walked off? With no regard of personal health whatsoever?'

Oaklie's shout can be heard from the other side of the world.

'Man, you could've died! Who knows what sort of unpleasant things are inside that goddamn door? Use that genius of a brain to do something smart would you?'

'I'm not a genius, I'm merely a prodigious teenager.'

Oaklie rolled his eyes so hard that the nearly flew out. 'Hah, sure, learning fifteen languages by the time you're eleven isn't hard at all.'

'Three of them were dialects...' Yugo piped in.

'That's not my damn point! Sure, you're a genius-'

'A prodigy, my dear friend.'

'A, genius. But you have no common sense at all. Don't let your curiosity get the better of you, Yushita! If it was some sketchy alley that offered free candy, would you walk in?'

Oaklie felt as if he would burst, his brain was rolling into overdrive as he tried to shout some sense into the idiot named Yushita Yugo.

Yugo responded in a calm manner. 'Nothing would've happened to us anyways. I was there, nothing bad ever happens if I'm there.'

Oaklie punched the wall he stood next to., it produced a thick, full sound. 'Nothing bad happens to you Yushita. You can just find the nearest exit and casually stroll out. It's other people who you harm with your actions you retard!'

'That's not a nice-' The now awake Yamano piped in.


Yamano sank back down into the bed she was lying in. 'S...sorry.'

'What I'm saying is, you got the brains, so use it! Don't wonder into whatever shitshow is waiting for you and think "well goddamn, I'm in a pickle." and then use your brain, use it to avoid the shitshow in the first place.'

Yugo simply turned his back on the still fuming Oaklie before blocking out his shouts using sheer force of will, he turned to Suzuki waiting in a corner. 'Sorry for dragging you into this, but let's go for a little stroll.' He walked over to the girl waiting awkwardly in a corner. He grabbed Suzuki's wrist, ignoring her face now burning bright red. Using his free hand, he lightly tapped the wall next to her ear. and her eyes lit up. 'Let's go before Oaklie unleashed his "Mother's Wrath" on us.' And then pulled her out of the window that he climbed out of before, with Yamano.

He can faintly hear the shouts out Oaklie in the distance, but by then, Yugo was already picking up speed. He pulled the confused Suzuki behind him until they saw the end of the Sakura covered path that marked the border between their "base", and another team's "base".

'Accelerate...' Yugo muttered under his breath and his brain started brushing off the cobwebs and dust that set on it. He pulled a branch off a tree and snapped it in half, Before throwing it up in the air and shooting it with his newly-found "sacred art".

Yugo smiled at Suzuki before yanking off her ribbon. 'Huh? wha-' Suzuki's hands instinctively flew up to cover her eyes but Yugo caught them. 'Don't.' Suzuki's eyes were still closed.

Yugo sighed. 'If you're eyes get irritated in any way, I will smash my head against that tree with all my force. Good enough?'

'Just the sight of you irritates me~'

'Except for the sight of me, please!'

Suzuki finally gave in and opened her eyes and she can't help but gasp. 'You mean my...'

'Your senses have been deceiving you all this time, so have my eyes.' Yugo confirmed.

Before Suzuki could respond the reality was shattered to pieces and a girl was floating in front of their faces. 'Oooo, how did you find out? I made sure everything was perfect!'

'Sure, but have you forgot?' Yugo slapped Suzuki's back. 'We have this lady!'

Suzuki was throughoutly confused. 'What did I do? And who is this girl?'

Yugo laughed. 'You opened your eyes Suzuki! That was the best thing anyone could do!'

The girl floated out a bit and sat in a relaxed position. 'I'm Kayano Altria, guardian of the gates, God of Shintawa, The One and Only God, whatever you want to call me.'

Yugo grinned. 'We've had a little run in...'

'You think you can defeat a god that easily mortal? I was merely testing your strength!' Altria said.

Yugo laughed harder. 'Haha, if you were that weak I'd be worried!'

Altria floated towards Yugo and asked earnestly. 'No honestly, how did you find out?'

'It was simple really, I had my doubts when I won against you, so I tapped a wall beside Suzuki's ear, that triggered her eyes to unconsciously register the sound as a work of supernatural powers, especially after fake Wadashi gave us that talk, it's almost like you want to get your cover blown.'

Altria laughed a childish laugh. 'Oh my, you sure are smart, so smart that you're bordering the line of insanity! Do you really have to question everything?'

'It's not called being smart, it's called being cautious. Won't you keep your guard up if you suddenly vaporised a goddess on the spot?'

Yugo dropped his voice and his gaze pierced through Altria. 'Drop the bullshit, now. Where exactly is Tokyo National, Beigoma and Shintawa situated? Because it certainly isn't situated in the real world.'

Altria looked confused. 'Huh, what?'

'The general public would never agree to have us, humans possessing the power known as "sacred arts", to freely roam the streets, we're naturally evil, as soon as someone with extraordinary powers shows up, they'll either get shut up and used for science, or they'll get exiled from the rest of the "ordinary". For generations the "sacred artists" practiced in secret, there's absolutely no way that we'd suddenly go one hundred percent legit, no way.'

Yugo seemed to hit a gold vein as Altria's face lit up. 'Quick on the uptake huh, well, fine then, I'll tell you.'

The scenery all around Yugo and Suzuki changed and suddenly they were flying, no, floating around three schools.

'The sister schools are actually two different sets of three schools. One set being the "School" and the other being the "academy". The difference between the "School" and the "academy" are as follows:

The "school" itself is a, like you said, one hundred percent legit school, with facilities for students and normal everyday routine, it follows the Japanese Education Department's guidelines to a certain extent, but also operates to it's own devices, such as a currency system, and a enhancement program, students who attend the "school" are usually weaker "Sacred artists", but normal humans are also able to attend the "school" if they fit the correct criteria.

The "academy" on the other hand specializes in developing "sacred artists" to their maximum potential, many of the "academy" students are hand picked from society by our advanced monitoring system, otherwise known as me, or are scouted from our "school's" enhancement program, normal humans are rarely picked for the "academy" but it could happen, like Fujihira Genji for example, who possesses no "sacred arts" but has the potential to rival the power of those of the Miyagi, Satou or Oda bloodlines based on pure skill alone. "Outsiders", like you or your friends, are also chosen. "Outsiders" are "sacred artists" who haven't figured out their own power yet, they are classified as "commoners", but are able to be "sacred artists" if they go through the right training.'

Yugo still looked skeptical. 'Uh huh, and?'

'It's hard to explain, lemme show you, but remember, you and Suzuki are special, you come from the Yushita-Yuge bloodline, while Ren is part of the original Suzuki family. No one else gets this privilege, don't tell anyone. Oh and, you're certainly not accepted into the academy, I'm just showing you around, take it as a, facility tour, if you will.'

A smile broke out on Yugo's face and he carefully tied the ribbon around Suzuki's eyes again. 'Come on, you would like to see this.'

Altria waited for Yugo to finish tying the ribbon before she extended a hand. 'Hold on tight, we don't want you to be pulled apart like noodles do we?'

Yugo took her hand, and before he was able to blink, Altria zipped through dimensions.