The first Hangover

When Angelo finally opened his eyes the next morning, the sun was already up and streaming into his room. it stung on his eyes when he opened them. He looked around and tried to get his bearings. To his relief, he was back in his room. he had no idea how he got there in the first place. he was still wondering what went down yesterday when he heard a knock on the door. "come in" he groaned, hoping to God that it wasn't someone in to lecture him about last night. It was surreal when Maya; the bartender from yesterday sauntered in meek as a lamb; and put down some water for him to wash his face, then left and returned with some porridge and put it on his bedside table. There was no trace of the confident, larger than life girl he saw yesterday at the Eagle's Beak. He almost dismissed the whole thing as a dream when she took out two aspirins and put them on his table and took a glass to get him some water.

He found himself so ashamed that he couldn't even find words to explain what happened yesterday. However, what stuck out was how Maya was so different this morning, it was like she was a different person altogether. He noticed for the first time that she was rather pretty; in fact, if he was to be honest with himself about this, she was quite beautiful.

"What the hell am I thinking" he said to himself, "I have got to get myself together, this is not me, I am not one to take advantage of simple girls from the middle of nowhere. I like my women sophisticated and dressed in Chantel". His thought were again disturbed by her soft voice when she asked if he was okay. it was almost like a whisper. Then she dropped the bomb; "If you plan to come in for more drinks today, please bring along some men to carry you home afterwards. it took me most of the night to carry you here. I haven't slept a wink".

His lower lip all but fell to the floor. He was lost for words, but it seemed no response was necessary because Maya walked out of his room after that. He hid himself back into his covers and stayed there hidden until lunch. Sis Dolly came in with his lunch and left it on his bedside table without so much as a whisper.

It was after three in the afternoon when he finally stepped out of his room. He refused to even contemplate work and went straight to the Eagle's Beak.

The bar was full to the brim and he could see that hoping for a table would be a dream. He elbowed his way to the bar and found a stool to sit onto. He waved his hand several times before attracting the eye of the bartender, a large woman with a loud voice; he was lost for words. for a moment he thought he had stepped into the wrong bar. She came over and he asked for a bottle of whisky. He was about to ask about Maya when someone patted his shoulder. he turned around to find Maya with a big smile, "You're back! How's the hangover?" she quizzed. He marveled again when he saw another miracle right in front of his eyes. Maya was the bubbly and vibrant Maya again. as if she was reading his mind she smiled and whispered in his ear and said "you're the only one in this bar who knows that Maya, in here people only know this one" she then winked and left his sight and headed back into the overflowing bar.

He continued thinking about this intriguing Maya while drinking his sour liqueur and minded his own business. His mood improved by quite a large margin and he started to look around the bar. he noticed that he was a spectacle for the other patrons and it wasn't until after 2200hrs that he understood why; the guy next to him, with yellow teeth and a hangover mustache turned around and looked him in his face and said "thank you boss, for the holiday. we are having a blast". He had suspended production at the mine.

"so that was it, he was the reason business was booming here at the Eagle's Beak. This sorry ass miners were here drinking themselves into a stupor instead of appreciating the down time and doing something worthwhile with their time". He thought. Anyway he was not about to resume production just because the miners felt like partying. They deserved it.

He stood up and left his seat to go and heed the call of nature. on his was back, he was contemplating leaving the bar because he could tell he was way drunk, almost as much as the previous day.

When he got back to the bar he found himself again faced with Maya. she smiled and took his hand and let him to the side door and pointed at a truck idling across the lane from the door.

"Mr. Russell has been waiting to have a word with you", she said.

"Hmk! what does this old goat want now?" He wondered as he crossed the deserted lane.

He stepped into the truck and looked around. "Moses" he said.

"Mr. Black, We missed you this morning at breakfast, have you decided what you want to do with the crisis". said Russell.

"I am still studying the situation first" he said "and this place isn't ideal for such a discussion don't you think".

"that is true, at any rate, I am here to make sure you get home without trouble" Russell said.

"Oh if that's the case, then we can go. I am not feeling as bright eyed and bushy tailed as I was this morning".

The car started moving and heading towards his boarding house. When he got there he stepped out and bit Russell good night. the house was sleeping and he went straight to bed.

He couldn't sleep as he kept thinking about Maya. He didn't know when he fell asleep but he dreamed about Maya so many times he woke up sweating. What was the meaning of all this. Was he falling for this little miss nobody! Good lord...