A Goblin's thoughts and Resolution

Gobugrak POV:

Waking up I rise from the floor getting up and stretching as popping sounds are heard coming from my body feeling satisfied at the sensation of my new body.

Finsishing streching out I look at my self to see not to many changes to my physical appearance.

My height has grown from 4 feet 3 inches to 4 feet 6 inches, my forming muscles yet not bulky in appearance my abdomin even has traces of 6 pack forming.

All in all my muscles now appear to be made perfectly for anthing physical related being balanced all around.

Checking my penis I have noticed it increase in size as well becoming 6 inches and 2 1/4 inches wide.

Using some water to see the reflection of my face I can see that my face has become better than before ridding my face of blemishes such as warts and hairs other goblins have on their face.

My nose has also shrunk down a bit becoming only slightly larger than a normal human nose, along with my ears becoming more defined being more pointed and similar in shape to an elf's ears.

All in all I can be said to be a handsome goblin though since all goblins are ugly that only makes me about a below average in looks by human standards.

Done checking my body I think [Status] to see all the changes and I am quite elated with my choice.




Name: Gobugrak

Race: Super Goblin 0/200 to evolution

Lv: 13 3100/4100 exp needed to lv up

Class: Race unable to have class

Health: 280/280 HP regen 2.6/min

Stamina: 280/280 SP regen 2.6%/min

Mana: 400/400 MP regen 2.6/min

Defense: 26

Attack: 48

Vit: 28

End: 26

Str: 24

Agi and Dex: 36

Int: 40

Wis: 26

Luck: 36

Charm: 9

Free stat poins: 0

Innate Skill:

Genius Child lv max: (Gives +1 int every lv up)


Advance Throw lv 1/10: (Grants better accuracy and higher critical chance from thrown objects)

Strong Concusive Throw lv 2/10: (Thrown objects give negative buff concussion more likely the higher the lv and luck stat, and dealing an extra 10% damage increasing by 10% each lv)

Stealth lv 5/10: (Allows those to hide themselves from others when sneaking)

Minor Wind Manipulation lv 1/10: (Can use simple wind type spells like impact(Uses 10 mana to collect enough wind to cause the target to get knocked back), wind arrow(Uses 40 mana to collect wind to for an arrow going at fast speeds dealing 45 damage), and wind wall(Uses 50 mana to collect wind into a rotating wall deflecting projectiles and knowcking back enemies).)

Minor Fire Manipulation lv 1/10: (Can use simple fire spells like burn(Uses 5 mana to light a small fire), fireball(Uses 30 mana to summon a ball of fire dealing 30 damage and burning status effect), and fire wall(Uses 50 mana to summon a wall of fire deals 40 damage on contact and burning status effect becoming stronger the longer enemies in fire).)

Feather Foot lv 4/10: (Increase ability to dodge attacks)

Skinning lv 1/10: (Allows user to better disassemble animals.)

Beginner Cook lv 1/10: (Allows user to make food that tastes better and gaining better insight on how to properly use ingrediants)

Libido lv 1/10: (Increases the users sexual stamina allowing them to go more rounds during sex)

Cleaning magic lv 1/10: (Uses 20 mana to clean whatever user is targeting)


Enhanced physique: (Your body is made to be perfect for all sort of activities allowing you to pursue anything. Opens other skills you could not acquire before and increase learning rate by 20%.)


Common loin cloth: (Only covers up around waist)

Common satchel: (Carries a few items good for storing rocks)

Common slingshot: (Aids in throwing objects adding +4 attack)

Common rock: (Can be thrown causing +2 attack)


Seeing the changes he is happy that he has more magic to use and even has the manipulation skills instead of just the spells.

Another part that made him smile with glea is that choosing this evolution has given him an enhancement to get more skills and increase the speed of their lv increasing.

Looking at the skills he gained it seems that he gained skills based on what he was doing such as taking animals apart and cooking for his slav... no woman.

Thinking it was weird he refered to his slave as his woman with affection was odd to him as goblin's only use woman to increase numbers or have sex for pleasure, yet he can't help but feel some affection for his woman.

Before the evolution this feeling he considered the same as lust since for goblin's it was the same, however after his evolution his thoughts are clearer than before and he can't help but feel attracted to the looks of desire she gave him during sex making him feel wanted...

Back at his tribe every disliked him, disdained him, and thought he was waste.

But, with her it was different he felt the desire she had for him, her desire to be fucked with him, and the desire to have his affection.

Shaking his mind off such matters for now until he meets her to reward her for helping him evolve by fucking her brains out.

Still looking at the last skill cleaning magic he was confused about it, but remembered that before when he stayed in the mine alone he wanted to use such a magic to clean his sheets and the surrondings for disease he was unable to.

Though now with his new enhancement he can now have this skill, closing his [Status] he uses cleaning magic on his surrondings.

After using it 8 times around the whole area his room is now free of any dust and grime, his sheets are cleaned and no longer have an odor to them if anything they have a pleasant smell some how, as for himself all the dirt and grime on his body is gone being completly clean from head to toe.

Smilling at himself for having a new useful magic he goes out of his room towards the cell where his sla... no woman is at.

Anna POV:

I wake up to hear the door to my cell open revealing Gobugrak's new appearance to me stunning me as to how he seemed to change so much since yesterday.

'He evolved and it must be because of my innate skill... damn this is why the quest said to gain his trust.' thinking to myself as my worst fears came true that my innate harmonious growth evolved him making him stronger than before, by how much exactly I don't know.

However, I do know now that the quest had me gain his trust otherwise I would be here forever and it was because even if I get stronger he will also get stronger through leveling up and evolving.

'At least I already knew of the possibility of him evolving before, but I did not think it would be this fast!' shocked that he evolved so quickly unaware he ate an evolved monster to boost that speed by at least 2 days.

"Human thank you for helping me evolve so quickly if not for your innate skill I would have stayed as a normal goblin for a while." Gobugrak for the first time talked to me since I have been here and thanking me for helping evolve him.

I wasn't confused by how he knew I helped him evolve, since the system must have notified why he was evolving.

What I was confused by was that his behavior seemed to be different than before not being as wild as he was before, more intelligent, and well mannered as well.

Not caring for my shocked expression he came to me and used his keys to unlock my collar releasing me from my chains dumbfounding me even more when his hands glowed cleaning my body, sheets, and room.

"Now then human I will let you choose what your reward shall be think carefully." telling me as my shock kept increasing thinking on why he would release me and ask for what my reqard will be.

Thinking of my restraints gone and the door open allowing me to leave I was tempted to run, but knew it would be futile as he would catch me and asking for him to let me leave is not an option as he would probably lock me up again this time for good.

'Wait could he be testing to see what my choice would be allowing him to see whether I seek freedom or not.' realizing the implications of my 'choice' I now know that he is not being kind rather he is smart and is trying to see if I have been acting or if I genuinely want him.

Fear rose in my heart knowing that this goblin has become so smart to think of such schemes, yet inside of me there was a sort of expectation and I realized now what that would be.

'I see now he is also testing to see whether I am his loyal 'partner' and am willing to serve him, this quest if I show any signs of betrayal to him then I would forever be his slave. Yet if I show loyalty then I could be granted more freedom allowing my options to expand.' thinking until here I know what it is that I must do.

Ridding myself of my shocked face I then take a smile somewhat crazy in a way and tell him my 'reward' as well as presenting myself.

"My name is Anna and what I want as my reward is to be your woman obeying your comand, whether fighting or having sex with you." showing him my broken smile confusing him before laughing and showing a creepy grin of his own.

"Hahaha yes you will be my Gobugrak's woman and shall serve me until the end of your life, now come here and pleasure your lord." as he lays down on the sheet next to me commanding me to please him.

Although I could try gaining his trust now to then kill him later, but that would be too difficult and a waste.

I know now that the desire I had in my heart as revenge was to get him to be attracted to me, get him so infactuated with me he would do whaever is needed to please me.

As soon as I thought this I heard the system send a notification.

*Ding* 'Hidden Quest Complete

Choosing your path as a trap. You must resolve your self to become a trap in body, soul, and mind and choose which path you wish to take as a trap.

Reward: Upgrade class based on path taken

Failure: Denying further upgrades to class in future.

Reclaim y/n'

Seeing this I was suprised that my class would not upgrade without accepting my trap life and having a path to follow.

Smilling inside that my decision was correct in resolving myself on this path I selected yes truely beginning my life as a supreme trap.

*Ding* 'Your class has been upgraded to Trap Seductress(Rare): (A trap that will seduce their targets into falling into love with them becoming slaves to lust and love. Increases vitality by 1, intelegence by 1, luck by 2, and charm by 3, along with trap class benifits also grants an enhancement addictive asshole, skill sexy voice, skill seductive movements, skill sexual technique, increase horniness by 40%, and increase attraction of other by 20%.) applying upgrade.'

As soon as I heard this my asshole felt as though it was burning up and felt an itch in it that needed to be scracthed, after a while it settled somewhat but the sensation of needing something inside me was still there.

Checking my [Status] before attending to Gobugrak I saw the changes.




Name: Anna

Race: Human

Lv: 6 (235/1300 for next lv up)

Class: Trap Seductress(Rare Rank growth type)(+1 Vit, +1 Int, +2 Lck, and +3Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 210/210 (Hp regen 2.1/min)

Stamina: 210/210 (Sta regen 2.1% total sta/min)

Mana: 190/190 (Mp regen .7/min)

Defense: 21

Attack: 22


Vit- 21

End- 21

Str- 11

Agi and Dex- 15

Int- 19

Wis- 7

Lck- 30

Cha- 57

Free stat points-0

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv 1/2: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger)(Next lv allows user to percieve fortune leading user to feel excitement instead of fear as sign)

Harmonious Growth lv max: (People who have sex with you have potential to have their class and race evolved)


Backdoor Cleanliness lv max: (Keeps asshole and rectum clean ready for anal sex)

Sexual Attraction lv max: (Makes all races and sex see you as a potential sexual partner)

Masochism lv 1/2: (When host feels pain 50% is converted to pleasure at lv 1)

Gangbang Endurance lv 6/10: (Increases endurance during sex, effect increase with lv increase.)

Cum Addict lv 4/10: (Provides nutrients when consuming semen, effect increases with lv increase.)

Sexy Voice lv 1/10: (Passively adds a sexy tone to your voice like that of a vixen's allowing you to manipulate your target slightly.)

Seductive Movements lv 1/10: (Grants knowledge on how to move your body in seductive ways attracting others to focus and encite lust in them.)

Sexual Technique lv 1/10: (Grants knowledge on techniques and how to refine them to increase your partner's pleasure as well as knowledge on positions to use during sex.)


Bigger butt: (Makes the butt bigger, plumper, and rounded allowing it to jiggle slightly when smaked, +7 vit and +3 cha)

Attractive eyes: (Makes the eyes have a shine to them looking delicate and having a soft gaze from them, +10 cha)

Glossy skin: (Makes the skin shinier and softer making it difficult for those to stop touching, +7 cha and +3 end)

Addictive asshole: (Makes the asshole tighter and have a feeling to it that makes your partner feel their in heaven increasing the pleasure they feel. After having sex your partner's lust for you will increase and they will find it unsatisfying having sex with another woman)


Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP)


Seeing my new status brought a smile to my face as I used my new skill seductive movement as I approached Gobugrak.