Talking and Grand Quest

Gobugrak POV:

As I am skinning the wolves I can't help but think back to when I told Anna of what Goburook did to me and her reaction to it.

Although I know that killing and mutilating someone is not normal, I could not help it but be attracted to her more and feeling warm for it as it showed that she cares a lot for me.

Finishing skinning the fur of the first wolf although with some peices of meat attached to it and some holes from mistakes, for the first time skinning a creature it was not to bad.

Next I begin cutting up the wolf to get the best meat from it as well as some bones.

Cutting up the wolf subconciously I think about whether or not telling her of why I do not live with other goblins, why I was beat up by other goblins, and why my anger for them is so immense despite being one of them.

It's not like I can not say anything about it as she know about these things and will be curious as to my experience with them.

Although I could say nothing some part of me does not want that, perhaps wanting to tell her to gain sympathy or comfort for the pain I went through.

Judging by her reaction I know that telling her will bring me these feelings, but I feel afraid that when she hears it she will also think of me as worthless and weak compared to other goblins.

Finishing up with the first wolf I tell her put it in her [Inventory], nodding to me she goes up and puts it in her [Inventory] as I go to do the same to the other 2 wolves.

Soon the other two wolves are cut up with the last ones pelt having no meat attached to it as my skill leveled up.

After storing the last 2 wolves in her [Inventory] we go through the forest back towards the mind as my nervousness increases.


Entering the mine I use cleaning magic on the both of us, removing all the dirt and sweat on us.

Soon entering into my room as I lay down my satchel, slingshot, and the new bow and knife that Anna gave me.

"Take out the wolf meat from your [Inventory] I will go get some branches and leaves to start a fire to cook the meat." as I walk out of the mine not looking at Anna's expression collecting flamable material.

Collecting everything needed I go back to see the meat has been place on a clean sheet, as I gather the wood up in a pile using my fire magic burn to start the fire.

Using the knife I cut the meat into smaller peices attaching them to sticks I cleaned with magic before, putting them over the fire.

Unlike before where I placed them into the center of the flame catching it on fire before, or to far away that it was severly undercooked with my new cooking skill I placed it just about right to cook it.

Making sure to rotate the meat to cook as evenly as possible and enough time to cook all the way through I finish roasting them with on some chared bits on the meat, though a very small amount.

Giving the first peice to Anna who seems suprised that the meat looks edible this time takes a bite before nodding slightly before eating more.

Eating some myself I can see that the taste is a lot better than before when I cooked it in the past, as well as far better than eating raw meat.

Eating a few more skewers of meat I put out the fire and use wind magic to vent out the smoke from the mine.

Laying down to go rest I can see Anna removing her clothes besides bra and panties showing a small bulge on them, before a thin white shirt appears in her hands putting it on.

Seeing the clothing she put on that still shows her shoulders and lower half of her thighs turned me on slightly seeing her in such clothing.

Laying down next to me I grab her butt and chest gropping them causing her to moan softly, before anything else though I turn serious and her seeing this also turns serious as I say.

"You may be wondering why I don't live with other goblins and also hate them as well." seeing her nod to me puzzled as to why my situation is what it is I answer.

"The reason for this is that when I was born my body was weaker than other goblins as well as being smaller, our tribes shamen seeing this believed me to have low potential as goblins being typically dumb creatures have to rely on their physical stats until they become hobogoblins." hearing this so far Anna nodded as it was true that goblins being stupid creature have to rely on numbers and physical strength.

"If thats the case then why didn't the shamen or anyone else make use of your high intellegence?" questioning as to why when I was growing up they didn't see my intellegence and gave better treatment for it.

"The reason is that the shamen assumed that because I was weak physically and goblins don't typically have high intellegence at lv 1 that I was completely useless, as such all other goblins believed I was useless without even considering my strange intellegence." hearing this I saw Anna frown as anger poured from her eyes and dark aura surrounded her.

"Because of that the other newborn goblins would beat me near to death only stopping when the older goblins stopped them. However not from care or sympathy for my situation, but for the fact that killing a clan member without permission from the elders is punishable by banishment for the tribe. The older goblins not wanting members to be banished for killing a waste stopped them right before I was killed, as they also did not like me and much rather I be gone." not paying attention to her gaze and aura which seemed to be getting angrier and darker I continued.

"Knowing that my life would be hell in such a place I made preparations escape my tribe as I lived on rotting food and rat infested room that I practiced my skills on. Soon after training my stealth, throwing, making equipments, and mapping the area I left my tribe and went to this abandoned mine I chanced upon living here ever since." sighing as I went through a lot of difficulty because of a misunderstanding of my capabilities.

As I was stuck in my thoughts I felt arms go around my waist as well as breathing on my chest.

Looking down I see Anna hugging me with her head on my chest, puzzled as to why she was doing this she looked me in the eyes.

"You went through so much difficulty because of your tribe thinking you were worthless, but me I don't think you are worthless as you have gotten so much stronger than before while being on your own. Don't think your worthless as I don't think you are as you have a lot of untapped potential." showing a sweet smile as I feel warm inside and a small budding feeling of love forming from her words.

Soon her expression changes becoming cold and dark.

"So are you going to kill the members of your tribe that harmed you so much?" asking in a serious tone as anger flashed through my eyes.

"Yes! They beat me several times a day for days leaving me to rot in a room eating their trash! I want them to die and have the elders see their tribe be destroyed before their eyes!" with hatred in my voice as Anna sone flashes a crazed smile.

"Yes! We will kill all the goblins that dared to harm you and show them the power we have!" nodding to what Anna said, laughing at the thought of those 'creatures' regretting what they did to me.

Calming down from my anger I notice that my member has stifened poking at Anna's waist, feeling this she smiles as well as myself.

"Well it seems that you have gotten me hard I am going to have to punish you." hearing this she gets excited as I then direct her to get on all fours presenting her ass to me.

Seeing the panties that cover her asshole and penis I bring it down before putting my fingers in her hole causing a muffled moan to come out.

Hearing this I get excited as I then place an additional 2 fingers in her ass as I then grab her breasts gropping then and pinching and twisting her nipples causing some soft moans to come out.

Soon I take out my fingers which are slightly wet from anal fluid and begin jerking myself off as I place my mouth on her ass liking her insides as a suprised moan comes out.

"Mgh yes~ it feels good~" hearing her I accelerate my movements causing some precum to come out of her and mine penis.

After a few minutes of this we both cum as we both breath a bit heavily.

Without waiting I take out my mouth and position my penis in line with her ass and pierce her in one thrust causing a load moan to come out.

Not stopping I shake my hips back and forth moving my penis in and out of her.

At the same time she also moves her hips shaking them on my shaft as well as rocking them back and forth timing them so that they slam into mine pushing my penis further in, as sounds of clapping sound out from the room as my hips hit against her big butt hard.

"Mgh yes~ go faster and harder Gobugrak~ make a mess of my insides~" moaning seductively at me as I answer her pleas by going as fast and as hard as possible.

Soon we both come again as she cums towards the floor and me deep into her ass marking it.

Turning around and looking at me with a smile she says.

"We are far from done right Gobugrak, please don't stop until I become a drooling mess on the floor~" as she shakes her hips causing a groan to come from my mouth as my penis is still inside her, so her movements are sending pleasure to me.

"Haha it seems that you are quite eager to fuck with me today Anna!" laughing out loud as she seems more eager to have sex than before, smiling at me she says.

"Well I just want to get rid of the tense atmosphere from before, and what better way than fucking our brains out~" shaking her hips again before I slap her butt causes a soft moan to come out of her mouth.

"Well for being so naughty I am going to have to fuck your brains out leaving you a slopping mess before me." whispering in her ear as she smiles before we continue once again.

From outside the room constant moans and grunting can be heard coming out as they continue to have sex for hours.

By the end of it both Gobugrak and Anna are left exhausted, with Gobugrak laying on top of Anna fainted.

As for Anna her tongue has come sticking out with drool coming from the corners of her mouth, eyes turned to the back of her head, and twitching throught her body as the euphoria from all the sex slowly leaves her body.

Before Gobugrak passed out he recieved one last message from the system.

*Ding* 'Harmonious growth activated increasing evolution points by 23, leaving 54/200 points needed for evolution'

Leaving in darkness satisfied and happy with his woman.

Anna POV:

Waking up and coming to from all the sex we went through I see Gobugrak on top of me slightly snoring.

Smiling slightly I rub his head causing a slight smile to form on his face.

After hearing what he went through before the crazy sex we had I couldn't help but feel sad for him, since although he kept me as a prisoner not to long ago he has treated me quite well.

Although he goes very rough during sex my skill simply replaces half of it with pleasure and the ring increases my tp for rough sex so I don't care about rough sex and even welcome it.

Going back to his story my admiration for him increased due to the fact he made it so far alone dispite all his difficulties growing up and living out here.

I also can't deny but sympathize with him due to our unfortunate situations.

Looking into my notifications I can see a new missions I got as well as gains from our sex.

*Ding* 'You have gotten 5 connected quests, check [Missions] for more details'

*Ding* 'You have had sex with another creature, calculating amount of times creature came on host'




*Ding* 'Gobugrak has came 23 times on host gaining 65x23= 1495 EXP, and 23x13x2(From Unique Item)= 598 TP'

*Ding* 'Host has leveled up once becoming lv 8 and having 1460/2000 EXP needed to level up'

Thinking of the [Missions] wanting to see what all these missions are shocking me slightly.





You are mine and only mine~. Make Gobugrak fall completly in love with you to the point he will die for you.

Rewards: 5000 TP, 3 Lottery Tickets, and undying loyalty of Gobugrak

Failure: Revoke class Trap Seductress and return to just Trap class and become a slave again


Come here foo... I mean prey! Hunt and kill 10 animals, 2/10. Time: 3 days.

Rewards: 500 TP

Failure: Have stats halved for 1 week

New Grand Quest:

Bring down the tribe for your lover! Destroy the tribe while completing connected missions for greater rewards. Time 1 month.

Rewards: Scattering the tribe: Gain 7500 TP and 3 Lottery Tickets

Additional rewards for each connected quest done(Gain rewards from current quests complete and previous):

1 connected quest done: Gain additional 3500 Tp and 2 Lottery Tickets

2 connected quests done: Gain additional 3500 TP, 2 Lottery Tickets, and class upgrade

3 connected quests done: Gain additional 3500 TP, 2 Lottery Tickets, and Unique item of choice

4 connected quests done: Gain additional 5000 TP, 4 Lottery Tickets, and ???

Failure: Death

New Sub Grand Quest:

Elder, Leader all will fall beneath us! Kill important fiqures within goblin community and apprentices.

Kill Ogre Berserker, Chieftan Tuskan: 0/1

Kill Ogre Heavy Swordsman, Chieftan's succsessor Ronen: 0/1

Kill Ogre Shielder, Chieftan's second son Askal: 0/1

Kill Hobogoblin Witch doctor, Shaman Ojor: 0/1

Kill Hobogoblin Commander, General Shashaka: 0/1

Rewards: Look at main quest

Failure: Have [Lottery] and [Shop] locked for 3 months

New Sub Grand Quest:

You will all die here! Kill members of goblin community.

Kill 250 members from the community, 4/250 killed from community

Rewards: Look at main quest

Failure: Lose 5000 TP

New Sub Grand Quest:

Would you please do me a favor and kill each other~. Charm other members of the goblin community to do as you say and kill each other.

Charm at least 50 members of the community, 0/50

Rewards: Look at main quest

Failure: None

New Sub Grand Quest:

Death and fire everywhere. Kill every member of the community leaving none leave alive.

Rewards: Look at main quest

Failure: None


Seeing the grand quest I am slightly frightened by the failure compensation, but excited about the steep rewards.

Even without the quest I would have done this anyways, but it seems I have speed things up and get stronger faster in order to kill the important fiqures and a lot of members.

As for the quest to charm others to do my bidding my current skills can't hypnotize to that point of being puppets, seems like i'll have to look through the [Shop] for items or abilities to help.

If not I will have to level up lovely gaze to max and upgrade it.

As for the last one that will only be possible if I make a plan with Gobugrak about all entrances and exits, along with having some puppets guard the entrances to kill any survivors.

Sighing as I realize I have a lot of work ahead of me I look at [Status] adding 5 points to agility and 5 to vitality, going back to sleep as I will decied what to do with the TP when I find all the abilities and equipment I need for the quest throughout the next few days.




Name: Anna

Race: Human

Lv: 8 (1460/2000 for next lv up)

Class: Trap Seductress(Rare Rank growth type)(+1 Vit, +1 Int, +2 Lck, and +3Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 280/280 (Hp regen 2.8/min)

Stamina: 200/280 (Sta regen 2.8% total sta/min)

Mana: 210/210 (Mp regen .7/min)

Defense: 28

Attack: 40


Vit- 28

End- 28

Str- 20

Agi- 35

Int- 21

Wis- 7

Lck- 34

Cha- 72

Free stat points-0

Trap Points- 598

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv 1/2: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger)(Next lv allows user to percieve fortune leading user to feel excitement instead of fear as sign)

Harmonious Growth lv max: (People who have sex with you have potential to have their class and race evolved)


Backdoor Cleanliness lv max: (Keeps asshole and rectum clean ready for anal sex)

Sexual Attraction lv max: (Makes all races and sex see you as a potential sexual partner)

Masochism lv 1/2: (When host feels pain 50% is converted to pleasure at lv 1)

Gangbang Endurance lv max(Ready to Upgrade): (Increases endurance during sex, effect increase with lv increase.)

Cum Addict lv 7/10: (Provides nutrients when consuming semen, effect increases with lv increase.)

Sexy Voice lv 4/10: (Passively adds a sexy tone to your voice like that of a vixen's allowing you to manipulate your target slightly.)

Seductive Movements lv 4/10: (Grants knowledge on how to move your body in seductive ways attracting others to focus and encite lust in them.)

Sexual Technique lv 4/10: (Grants knowledge on techniques and how to refine them to increase your partner's pleasure as well as knowledge on positions to use during sex.)

Lovely Gaze: lv 4/10: (This is a passive/active ability that in passive mode makes those that look in your eyes that you are a loving and loyal person making them unlikely to think you are otherwise. Once active requires host to look at the other parties eyes using 30 mana, the effect causes those that are under skills effect to slowly lose all guard to user thinking of them slowly as their partner with repeated uses. Increase effect at higher levels)

Basic Sword Mastery lv 3/10: (Increases proficency when using any type of sword granting knowledge on how to use a sword using less stamina and hitting weak points)

Double Slash lv 2/10: (Allows the user to slash twice at the same time either at the same or different enemies, increases stamina drain on use decreasing with level increase)

Detection lv 2/10: (Allows user to be able to passively detect and know location of enemies as well as those in stealth)

Hide lv 3/10: (Allows user to stay hidden better when not moving or moving slowly)

Feather Foot lv 2/10: (Allows user to dodge evading enemy attacks better and manuevering around them better)


Bigger butt: (Makes the butt bigger, plumper, and rounded allowing it to jiggle slightly when smaked, +7 vit and +3 cha)

Attractive eyes: (Makes the eyes have a shine to them looking delicate and having a soft gaze from them, +10 cha)

Glossy skin: (Makes the skin shinier and softer making it difficult for those to stop touching, +7 cha and +3 end)

Addictive asshole: (Makes the asshole tighter and have a feeling to it that makes your partner feel their in heaven increasing the pleasure they feel. After having sex your partner's lust for you will increase and they will find it unsatisfying having sex with another woman)

Wide Hips: (Makes the hips flare out adding some curves to the body, +7 end and +3 cha)

Thick Thighs: (Makes the thighs thicker adding charm to your legs thought not too thick, +7 agi and +3 cha)

Sissy Boobs: (Expands the chest to create A-cup size like boobs while increase areola and nipple size slightly, +7 str and +3 cha)


Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP)

Common Nightgown
