Old Character Status

Name: Anna

Race: Lesser Trap Bewitching Demoness(Unique Variant) 340/2000 to Evolution

Lv: 21 (6970/8400 for next lv up)

Class: Trap Seductress(Rare Rank growth type)(+1 Vit, +1 Int, +2 Lck, and +3Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 1131/1131 (Hp regen 8.4/min)

Stamina: 870/870 (Sta regen 8.4% total sta/min)

Mana: 570/570 (Mp regen 4.4/min)

Defense: 84

Attack: 136


Vit- 87

End- 84

Str- 68

Agi- 82

Int- 57

Wis- 44

Lck- 82

Cha- 151

Free stat points-0

Trap Points- 1897

Evolution Points- 160

Lottery Ticket- 3

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv max: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger. Capable of determaining items with great value nearby with signs of excitement, the greater the excitement the more precious the item.)

Ultimate Unification Growth: (Each time a creature comes on user gains 2 Evolution Points allowing user to give points to those you have a connection with or use it on themselves. Points can be used to Evolve the race, increase the chances of their class to grow stronger, or increase potential allowing them to gain better classes. Another feature is that host can now share exp gained through sex and skills with others)

Demon Goddess of Lust Lilith's Blessing lv max: (A blessing given by the Demon Goddess of Lust increasing the skill growth of skills related to sex, charming, and illusions, also provides greater resistance against charming and illusions)

Lesser Demon Horns lv max: (Grant the user the ability to cast magic at 30% better effect)

Overlord Aura lv 1/5: (A passive skill that creates and aura which exudes a large amount of intimidation against opponents causing their will to waiver against you, against servants or those of a lower status then host will feel as though they are serving a supreme being increasing loyalty of underlings. Skill will gain more abilities and strength as the level increases(Levels gained only when other hidden quests that are connected to skill are complete)


Backdoor Cleanliness lv max: (Keeps asshole and rectum clean ready for anal sex)

Allurement lv max: (Makes all races and sex see you as a potential sexual partner, those with bottled up stress and lust will find it difficult not to fall victim to users charms)

Masochism lv 1/2: (When host feels pain 50% is converted to pleasure at lv 1)

Demonic Sex Drive lv 2/10: (Grants incredible increase to endurance during sex, effect increase with lv increase.)

Draining Sex lv 1/10: (Provides nutrients, health, stamina, and mana through sex, as well as allowing host to drain exp from others while having sex. The higher the level the faster host can drain exp from others. Note only acquires excess exp needed to level up.)

Bewitching Voice 3/10: (Passively adds a bewitching tone to your voice like that of a hot sexy vixen's allowing you to manipulate your target to an extant.)

Alluring Movements Movements lv 2/10: (Grants greater knowledge on how to move your body in seductive ways attracting others to focus and encite lust in them.)

Masterful Sexual Technique lv 2/10: (Grants greater knowledge on techniques and how to refine them to increase your partner's pleasure as well as knowledge on positions to use during sex.)

Hypnotic Gaze: lv 3/10 --> 4/10: (This is a passive/active ability that in passive mode makes those that look in your eyes feel love and attraction for you wanting to be on your good side, to those that you consider your sex partner this would invoke greater love and affection towards you wanting them to try to gain your affection. Active ability clouds the targets mind causing their mind to get clouded with lust and euphoria wanting to have sex, during this time the target is much more open to commands given by user increasing in effectiveness with each level and supporting skills. Note that the higher the charm value the more likely for active skill to work)

Advance Sword Mastery lv 1/10 --> lv 2/10: (Increases proficency when using any type of sword granting knowledge on how to use a sword using less stamina and hitting weak points)

Triple Slash lv 5/10 --> lv 6/10: (Allows the user to slash 3 times either at the same or different enemies, increases stamina drain on use decreasing with level increase)

Suggestion lv 2/10 --> lv 3/10: (Uses 60 mana to plant a suggestion in another creature mind leading them to be more likely to carry out your orders, increases likelyhood of following suggestions by the more clouded their thinking is)

Enhanced Detection lv 2/10 --> lv 4/10: (Allows user to be able to passively detect and know location of enemies as well as those in stealth, more easily and with better accuracy )

Stealth lv 8/10 -- lv 9/10: (Allows user to stay hidden better when not moving or moving slowly)

Willow Dodging lv 7/10 --> lv 9/10: (Allows user to better dodge evading enemy attacks better and manuevering around them better)

Attack Enhancement Magic lv 8/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets damage by 30% for 17 minutes)

Defense Enhancement Magic lv 6/10 --> lv 7/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets defense by 30% for 15 minutes)

Movement Enhancement Magic lv 8/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets speed by 30% for 17 minutes)

Attracting Aura lv 9/10 --> max: (Uses 15 mana and stamina to create an aura that attracts the attention of enemies to user, more likely to attract enemies attention with higher charm)

Gentle Aura lv 9/10 --> max: (Uses 40 mana and stamina to create an aura for those that focus their attention on you have a chance of have stats reduced by 19%, increases with higher charm)

Flight lv 7/10 --> lv 8/10: (Grants user knowledge on how to fly better with their wings)

Tail Manipulation lv 8/10: (Grants knowledge on how to move your tail better allowing it to grab onto anything better with greater dexterity)

Cleaning Magic lv 3/10: (Uses 20 mana to clean whatever user is targeting)

Superimposed Strike lv 3/10 --> lv 4/10: (Uses the force of multiple hits at the same area simultaneously to drastically increase damage)

Prediction lv 1/10: (Allows the user to precieve attacks and posistion of enemies before they actually do)

Mana Slash lv 3/10 --> lv 5/10: (By having the intent to condense mana onto a sword you can use that mana to increase the sharpness of the sword increasing damage, can also condense a large amount of mana to release a wave of sharp mana towards your enemy from afar. Mana use depends on how much is placed in the blade)

Prediction lv 1/10: (Allows the user to precieve attacks and posistion of enemies before they actually do)

Evil Eye of Fear lv 3/10 --> lv 4/10: (Those that you stare at with your eyes feel their fears come out to the surface causing them to gain a fear debuff that can drive them to panic by either being stunned or running away from user)

Healthy lv 1/10 --> lv 3/10: (Increase health by 1 point each vit point, each lv on skill gives +1 health to each vit point)


Bigger butt: (Makes the butt bigger, plumper, and rounded allowing it to jiggle slightly when smaked, +7 vit and +3 cha)

Bewitching Eyes: (Makes the eyes look more beautiful looking like precious jewels that make you want to lust over the owner of them, +25 charm and increase effectiveness of skills that use the eyes)

Glossy skin: (Makes the skin shinier and softer making it difficult for those to stop touching, +7 cha and +3 end)

Addictive asshole: (Makes the asshole tighter and have a feeling to it that makes your partner feel their in heaven increasing the pleasure they feel. After having sex your partner's lust for you will increase and they will find it unsatisfying having sex with another woman)

Wide Hips: (Makes the hips flare out adding some curves to the body, +7 end and +3 cha)

Thick Thighs: (Makes the thighs thicker adding charm to your legs thought not too thick, +7 agi and +3 cha)

B-Cup Boobs: (Increase size of breasts to the limit of B-Cup making them nice to grab onto, +15 strength and +10 charm)

Lubricated Rectum: (Creates large anal secreations in rectum that work as lubrication having a very nice smell)

Lust Demon Physique: (Increases talent in skills realted to sex, charm, and illussions, increases chance of acquiring special and rare skills related to these areas)

Breast Milk Production: (Allows the user to produce breast milk while making the breast firmer, milk produced is nutritious, recover stamina, health, and mana once ingested having a good and refreshing taste to it. Creatures that drink the milk while children grow to have affection for host in a familial sort of way)

Fingernail Blade Generation: (Granting the ability to lengthen the fingernails to te size of blades having the same hardness and sharpness of swords, can retract blades with only a thought)

Addictive Fluids: (All fluids produced will taste like the targets most favorite drink making them want to drink more as well as increasing effect of breast milk if enhancement is purchased, during sex these fluids have a aphrodisiac effect making them more aroused and addicted to being in contact/drinking such fluids)


Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP)

Rare Trap Knight Outfit

Rare Stimulating Anal Plug

Uncommon Stamina Regeneration Ring

Unique Trap's Love Connection Ring

Common Iron Short Sword


Name: Gobugrak

Race: High Wind Hobogoblin Elite Ranger(Unique Variant) 372/1000 to evolution

Lv: 22 3920/9000 exp needed to lv up

Class: Archer Saint(Rare Rank Growth Type): (Gives +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +2 Luck, and +3 Agility each level.)

Health: 560/560 HP regen 5.8/min

Stamina: 560/560 SP regen 5.8%/min

Mana: 950/950 MP regen 6.1/min

Defense: 56

Attack: 148

Vit: 56

End: 58

Str: 75

Agi: 127

Int: 95

Wis: 61

Luck: 88

Charm: 34

Free stat poins: 0

Innate Skill:

Genius Child lv max: (Gives +1 int every lv up)

Archery Saint lv max: (Greatly increases users ability with archery increasing growth speed and critical chance using a bow)

God of Wind Aeros Blessing lv max: (Increases skill growth with wind magic as well as increasing wind resistance)


Advance Throw lv 2/10: (Grants better accuracy and higher critical chance from thrown objects)

Strong Concusive Throw lv 3/10: (Thrown objects give negative buff concussion more likely the higher the lv and luck stat, and dealing an extra 10% damage increasing by 10% each lv)

Advance Stealth lv 2/10 --> lv 3/10: (Allows those to hide themselves from others even when moving quickly)

Lesser Wind Manipulation lv 7/10 --> lv 9/10: (Grants better usage of wind type spells as well as more advance ones.)

Minor Fire Manipulation lv 6/10: (Grants basic usage over fire type spells using simple spells.)

Willow Dodging lv 6/10 --> lv 7/10: (Greatly increases ability to dodge attacks)

Butchering lv 4/10 --> 5/10: (Allows user to disassemble creatures quickly.)

Intermidiate Cook lv 6/10: (Allows user to make food that tastes better and gaining better insight on how to properly use ingrediants)

Libido lv 8/10: (Increases the users sexual stamina allowing them to go more rounds during sex)

Cleaning magic lv 9/10: (Uses 20 mana to clean whatever user is targeting)

Advance Archery lv 5/10 --> lv 6/10: (Increases accuracy when using bows, increasing hit chance and critical chance with every level)

Crafting lv 5/10: (Increases users ability in crafting objects)

Multishot lv 3/10 --> lv 4/10: (Allows user to fire multiple arrows without aim penalty, currently 5 arrows can be shoot without aim penalty, more arrows fired only have a slight penalty in aim. Each level increases arrows fired without penalty)


Enhanced Physique: (Your body is made to be perfect for all sort of activities allowing you to pursue anything. Opens other skills you could not acquire before and increase learning rate by 20%.)

High Race: (Your race is of the high variant granting greater skill growth than others of your race as well as more special classes.)


Uncommon Hunter's Garb

Common Quiver

Rare Willow Bow

Uncommon Beast Bone Arrows x 23

Common Knife


Before Gaining Bloodline at chapter 21


Name: Anna

Race: Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Empress(Epic Heretic) 0/50000 to Evolution

Bloodline: Lust Corruption Royal Bloodline(Increases base EXP and TP gains from all sources by 2 times, EXP gained from killing enemies grants greater EXP gain the higher leveled they are from host. Increases the rate at which sexual, charm, and illusion skills are learned at by 100%, all others skills are learned at a 50% increased rate. Those that are converted by wielder of bloodline become more obedient than before, as well as becoming stronger under leadership. You gain evolution points based on the number of people under your rule.)

Lv: 42 (21668/25100 for next lv up)

Class: Overbearing Empress of Lust (Unique Rank growth type)(+1 Vit, +1Str, +1 End, +1 Agi, +1 Int, +2 Lck, and +3Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 2814/2814(Outfit Provides 25% increase to stats: 3514/3514) (Hp regen 22.8/min(28.5/min))

Stamina: 2814/2814(3514/3514) (Sta regen 22.8% total sta/min(28.5/min))

Mana: 1794/1794(2236/2236) (Mp regen 10.4/min(13.0/min))

Defense: 228 (285)

Attack: 368 (460)


Vit- 201 (251)

End- 228 (285)

Str- 184 (230)

Agi- 198 (247)

Int- 138 (172)

Wis- 104 (130)

Lck- 144 (180)

Cha- 323 (403)

Free stat points-0

Trap Points- 4197

Evolution Points- 214

Lottery Ticket- 0

Population: 2 giving 4 evolution points per month(This does not include yourself)

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv max: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger. Capable of determaining items with great value nearby with signs of excitement, the greater the excitement the more precious the item.)

Ultimate Unification Growth: (Each time a creature comes on user gains 2 Evolution Points allowing user to give points to those you have a connection with or use it on themselves. Points can be used to Evolve the race, increase the chances of their class to grow stronger, or increase potential allowing them to gain better classes. Another feature is that host can now share exp gained through sex and skills with others)

Demon Goddess of Lust Lilith's Blessing lv max: (A blessing given by the Demon Goddess of Lust increasing the skill growth of skills related to sex, charming, and illusions, also provides greater resistance against charming and illusions)

Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Demoness Horns lv max: (Grant the user the ability to cast magic at 100% better effect)

Overlord Aura lv 2/5: (A passive skill that creates and aura which exudes a large amount of intimidation against opponents causing their will to waiver against you, against servants or those of a lower status then host will feel as though they are serving a supreme being increasing loyalty of underlings. New effect allows host to pressure the souls of other beings increasing the pressure on enemies and allies alike, active ability allows host to dominate the souls of dead creature assimilating them to host.)

Lust Corruption lv max: (Host can activate this ability on those you want to give trace of your bloodline to, while in other cases can be used to convert men from any race into a trap. Giving them a demon race evolution of your choice and class determining ranking of corrupted being)

Apostle's Ire lv max: (The Apostles are out to hunt you now, be sure to be careful as any follower of the Apostles will know you are hunted by them.)


Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Demoness Libido and Sexual Techniques lv 1/10: (Grants unbelievable sex drive capable of recovering quickly through simply consumining a bit of semen, at the same time gains masterful techniques that can invoke lust in anyone putting high class prostitutes to shame)

Hypnotic Gaze: 8/10: (This is a passive/active ability that in passive mode makes those that look in your eyes feel love and attraction for you wanting to be on your good side, to those that you consider your sex partner this would invoke greater love and affection towards you wanting them to try to gain your affection. Active ability clouds the targets mind causing their mind to get clouded with lust and euphoria wanting to have sex, during this time the target is much more open to commands given by user increasing in effectiveness with each level and supporting skills. Note that the higher the charm value the more likely for active skill to work)

Advance Sword Mastery lv 4/10 --> lv 5/10: (Increases proficency when using any type of sword granting knowledge on how to use a sword using less stamina and hitting weak points)

Triple Slash lv 7/10 --> lv 8/10: (Allows the user to slash 3 times either at the same or different enemies, increases stamina drain on use decreasing with level increase)

Suggestion lv 8/10: (Uses 60 mana to plant a suggestion in another creature mind leading them to be more likely to carry out your orders, increases likelyhood of following suggestions by the more clouded their thinking is)

Enhanced Detection lv 7/10 --> lv 8/10: (Allows user to be able to passively detect and know location of enemies as well as those in stealth, more easily and with better accuracy )

Advance Stealth lv 1/10: (Allows user to stay hidden better even while moving quickly)

Shadow Dodging lv 1/10 --> lv 2/10: (Allows user to better dodge evading enemy attacks better and manuevering around them better, can also create temporary afterimages)

Attack Enhancement Magic lv 9/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets damage by 30% for 18 minutes)

Defense Enhancement Magic lv 8/10 --> lv9/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets defense by 30% for 17 minutes)

Movement Enhancement Magic lv 9/10 --> lv max(Requirements Not Fulfilled to Evolve): (Uses 50 mana to increase targets speed by 30% for 18 minutes)

Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Empress Aura lv 1/10 --> lv 2/10: ( Weakens all those exposed to it by 30% as they draw there attention to you, also induces arousal over time to those exposed to it allowing it to be easier for them to fall in hypnosis or illusions)

Advance Flight lv 1/10 --> lv 2/10: (Grants user knowledge on how to fly better with their wings capable of performing fast and complicated maneuvers)

Advance Tail Manipulation lv 1/10 --> lv 2/10: (Grants knowledge on how to move your tail better allowing it to grab onto anything better with greater dexterity, as well as great strength)

Cleaning Magic lv 5/10 --> lv 7/10: (Uses 20 mana to clean whatever user is targeting)

Superimposed Strike lv 5/10: (Uses the force of multiple hits at the same area simultaneously to drastically increase damage)

Prediction lv 2/10 -- lv 3/10: (Allows the user to precieve attacks and posistion of enemies before they actually do)

Mana Slash lv 7/10 --> lv 8/10: (By having the intent to condense mana onto a sword you can use that mana to increase the sharpness of the sword increasing damage, can also condense a large amount of mana to release a wave of sharp mana towards your enemy from afar. Mana use depends on how much is placed in the blade)

Evil Eye of Fear lv 5/10: (Those that you stare at with your eyes feel their fears come out to the surface causing them to gain a fear debuff that can drive them to panic by either being stunned or running away from user)

Healthy lv 3/10 --> lv 4/10: (Increase health by 1 point each vit point, each lv on skill gives +1 health to each vit point)

Mana Well lv 1/10 --> lv 3/10: (Increases mana by 1 point each int point, each lv on skill gives +1 mana to each int point)

Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Empress Leadership lv 1/10: (Increases the strength of those under your leadership by 10% as well as improving moral, coordination, and loyalty)

Empress Pregnancy lv max: (Can choose when to get pregnant not needing anything else besides the seed of another being, gestation time is reduced by 30%)

Empress Impregnation lv max: (Can choose who to impregnate whether it is a woman or a man, nothing else is needed besides activating skill and pouring your seed inside their body)

Stamina Tank lv 1/10 --> lv 2/10: (Increases stamina by 2 point each int point, each lv on skill gives +2 stamina to each vit point)


Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Empress Physique: (Increases the size of breast, thighs, hips, and butt forming a perfect voluptuous hourglass figure with flawless skin as soft as clouds, also increases the strength of all sexual skills, charm skills, illusion skills, conversion rate, and increasing talent for learning skills faster by 50%. Increases Vitality, Endurance, Strength, and Agility by 30 points each and charm increases by 70)

Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Embress Sexual Organs and Fluids: (All sexual organs increase the amount of pleasure the partner feels from them, as well as making the fluids coming from all organ taste even better than before, with higher nutrition, and stronger aphrodisiac when aroused. Breast milk production is increased and the penis can now change not only shape but size as well create even greater pleasure. The conversion rate becomes faster transforming men into traps quicker.)

Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Empress Eyes: (Makes the eyes look mesmerizing to those that look in your eyes almost as though their souls are getting caught in them, increases the strength of all eye abilities, increasing the strength of the aura when others look in your eyes, and gain the ability to see magic.)

Lesser Lust Corruption Trap Empress Genes: (All children and offspring from you will have possess greater potential and talent than normal.)

Fingernail Blade Generation: (Granting the ability to lengthen the fingernails to te size of blades having the same hardness and sharpness of swords, can retract blades with only a thought)


Unique Trap's Love Connection Ring

Epic Purple Rose's Thorns: Lumous


After Gaining Bloodline at chapter 21


Name: Talia

Bloodline: Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Demon Bloodline(Increases base exp gain by 100%, EXP gained from killing enemies grants greater EXP gain the higher leveled they are. Increases the rate at which sexual and charm skills are learned at by 50%, all others skills are learned at a 25% increased rate. Increases the persuasion when talking to other people, as well as making you hard to be perceived as a threat. Increased loyalty to Lust Corruption Empress.)

Race: Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness(Unique Heretic) 0/6000 to evolution

Lv: 35 5200/18000 exp needed to lv up

Class: Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Concubine(Unique Rank Growth Type): (Gives +1 Vitality, +1 Endurance, +1 Luck, +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, and +3 Charm each level.)

Corruption: 37%

Health: 1070/1070(Increased by 5% from innate skill: 1120/1120) HP regen 7.3/min(7.6/min)

Stamina: 1070/1070(1120/1120) SP regen 7.3%/min(7.6/min)

Mana: 2632/2632(2758/2758) MP regen 20.1/min(21.1/min)

Defense: 73 (76)

Attack: 64 (66)

Vit: 107 (112)

End: 73 (76)

Str: 32 (33)

Agi: 76 (79)

Int: 188 (197)

Wis: 201 (211)

Luck: 72 (75)

Charm: 207 (217)

Free stat poins: 0

Innate Skill:

Cute Trap Demoness Aura lv max: (Even among other cute traps you possess a special aura that makes those want to possess you, and keep you locked up forever. Or perhaps as a cute and lovely daughter.)

Magic Saint lv max: (Greatly increases users ability with magic increasing growth speed and strength of magic)

Goddess of the Underworld Ulmet Blessing lv max: (Grants ability to cast infernal magic from the underworld at full capacity if you are of the demon race, increases growth speed of dark magic as well as resistance to it. Lastly you gain the ability to summon jailed creatures from the underworld, with corrupted demons being the strongest. Warning Corrupted beings are incredible difficult to control.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Horns lv max: (Your horns are small and cute adding to your lovely appearance, not only that they have the ability to increase the strength of all magic by 75%.)

???????? Anna's Favor lv max: (Possess the favor of Anna gaining increased ability growth, as well as 5% higher stats.)

Wise Child lv max: (Gain +1 Wisdom each level up)


Inferior Infernal Magic lv 1/10: (Possess dark magic that come from the underworld allowing the creation of numerous curses and status aliments, as well as powerful destructive magic)

Livelihood Magic lv 3/10: (Magic that helps with small day to day tasks)

Mana Well lv 4/10: (Increases mana by 1 point each int point, each lv on skill gives +1 mana to each int point)

Lesser Barrier Magic lv 2/10: (Creates defense barriers made with magic possessing more defensive strength than they normally would.)

Lesser Summoning Magic lv 4/10: (Allows the user to summon creatures from the underworld to fight for you.)

Willow Dodging lv 6/10: (Greatly increases ability to dodge attacks)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Sexual Enduarnce and Techniques lv 1/10: (Grants the owner of the skill information on how to please and induce great lust in their sexual partners, as well as greatly sexual stamina and recovery during sex.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Confusion Aura lv 1/10: (When used all those targeting user will become confused and will attack and charge in random directions.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Adorable Gaze lv 1/10: (When passive the skill makes all who look into your eyes feel reluctant to hurt you or make you upset making them feel terrible otherwise, when active has the chance to make enemies listen to you for a short amount of time feeling the need to do as you say for your adorable and cute appearance.)

Flight lv 5/10: (Knowledge on how to fly using wings.)

Tail Manipulation lv 5/10: (Knowledge on how to use tail dexterously)


Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Physique: (Your body will always look cute to other, yet also having nice seductive lower body to attract others to you sexually. Increases the strength of all charm and sexual abilities, as well as increase growth rate. Increases Vitality and endurance by 40 points, with strength and agility by 15 points, lastly charm by 70 points.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Reproductive Organs: (Your body has grown organs that relate to your lust corrupted heritage giving the ability to be impregnated with corrupted demon spawn, your organs are much more developed allowing the spawning of stronger types of corrupted demon spawn to be born.)


Rare Sex Slave Collar

Unique Bondage Outfit


Updated all the way to chapter 23.