CH 7: Breakfast And Onto The First 'Meal'

Walking down towards the kitchen Jill and I see Beatrice alongside another two succubi, in terms of size and shape they look quite similar to me except one has red hair and emerald eyes, and the other has baby blue hair with gentle sapphire eyes.

"Hello, Beatrice, Tina, and Cate how are you doing this fine morning." with a bright smile on Jill's face as Beatrice turns around greeting her with an equally bright smile.

"Oh I'm doing quite fine, come sit down I almost have breakfast ready." Jill nods her head motioning towards me to join Tina and Cate at the table.

"Nice to see you are doing alright Anna, Jill didn't give you too much trouble I assume." with a sly grin on Beatrice's face as she chuckles.

"Oh, n-no she didn't give me any trouble if anything she treated me quite well." with a faint blush on my face.

Seeing this Beatrice chuckles even more, at the same time the succubus with red hair calls out to me.

"Hey, your Anna right, wow Beatrice was right despite being male you look very pretty and have some decent assets!" causing me to blush slightly with a smile adorning my face hearing the praise of another succubus.

"Yes, though I am male I would like to be one of your sisters if that is alright with you?" she giggles at my reply, answering back at me with great enthusiasm.

"Sure sister Anna I would be happy to call you as such, oh by the way my name is Tina." nodding my head my attention is soon drawn to the one with baby blue hair who seems to be much more docile than Tina.

"Hello it's nice to meet you Anna, my name is Cate and I hope you enjoy your time here with us." in a soft and gentle tone.

"Thanks, Cate, and I hope we can be great sisters with one another two." giving a gentle smile of my own as Beatrice calls out to us.

"Alright breakfast is ready, I made plenty for everyone so enjoy!" placing down all the different assortments of meals in front of.

There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast, on the side was a basket containing different types of fruit to choose from.

Right by the pancakes are what I assume to be different types of syrup being fruit-flavored, maple, and even chocolate by the looks of things.

Seeing the food the others dig in, no longer hesitating I grab a few pancakes creating a small stack on my plate grabbing the chocolate syrup I pour some of them.

Afterward, I cut a piece of the pancake bringing it to my mouth eating it tasting the sweetness of the pancakes as well as the rich flavor of the chocolate.

The taste was so good that I unconsciously moaned as a large smile formed on my face, soon after I hear laughter as I then turn to see Beatrice, Jill, and Tina laughing at me with Cate even trying to hold in their laughter.

Blushing to myself I just look down while timidly eating the meal in front of me, soon we all finish eating as Tina, Cate, and Jill leave the table to another part of the mansion leaving me and Beatrice alone with one another.

"Seeing how your figure seems to be much more filled out than yesterday I assume you acquire some mutations from your system." with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yes, after what we did yesterday I was able to acquire some mutation to increase my stats." with a slight blush on my face.

"Wonderful, although I wasn't too sure about how far I should go in teaching you without burdening your body too much, with your increased capabilities I should be able to move along with much more draining activities." as she licks her lips with mischievousness showing from her eyes, causing me to gulp in slight worry but also great anticipation at what we will do next.

"That being said I believe it is time for your next lesson, as well as time for you to feed as well~" wondering why she said feed seeing as we just ate before reminding myself of what we are, becoming flustered at what I will soon be doing.

"Alright, b-big sister." calming myself as Beatrice just giggles at my display.

Going through the mansion we go towards the second floor as Beatrice leads me back to my personal sex dungeon.

"As the caretaker of the mansion, I have access to any of the rooms here as such I brought over the first 'meal' you will have as a lust demon." before opening the door leading me inside.

Laying on the bed is an unconscious male human with a rugged looking appearance with muscles and scars adorning his body, as for how I can tell well it is because he is completely naked allowing me to see his member.

His penis while soft looks to be five inches with large wrinkly balls hanging from it.

"This human is one of the bandits that was camping in the forest alongside others, just a few days ago your other sisters and I captured a few of them to feed on. To make sure they can't escape and have their vitality intact we use illusion and mind magic to make them fall asleep or docile until we decide to feed. This one hasn't been used yet so he still has all his vitality intact just for you to drain little sister. He will also be the one you will test your magic on to gain experience on magic that we lust demons are innately good at." nodding my head in response I make my way towards the human strapped on the bed to get a good look at him.

In all honesty, he isn't really much to look at as he has a below-average face and although muscles are adorning his body they simply look bulky and in the way in terms of mobility, all in all, he looks like a macho man type of guy.

To put it simply he doesn't really pique my interest very much at all, even so, I can't help but feel a bit excited about what I will do soon.

'Wow, I can't believe how my new body seems to be affecting me. If this was before the thought of draining someone's life away would have been harrowing, to say the least, but now I can't help but be turned on by the thought of it.' licking my lips with a hungry look appearing in my eyes.

"Like you, no doubt noticed when lust demons come of age they begin having a desire, a need to have sex and even enjoy the life essence of others. The longer you abstain from this need the hornier you get until you lose control of yourself, forcing yourself on the next person you see." nodding my head in agreement as I can feel my body heating up as I can feel my insides writhing for something to come inside it and absorb his life essence.

"Now then seeing as you are already quite excited about the prospect of absorbing his vitality let's begin your lesson, first take the clothes that you are wearing off." nodding my head I take off my sundress folding neatly in the corner letting Beatrice see my curvy body a lot better now.

"Your body definitely looks a lot sexier now, I almost want to take you right here and now~" with a teasing expression on her face as she licks her lips hungrily.

"I-if you want we could do that later big sister~" in an attempt to get back at her for all the teasing, though my flustered face and stuttering give it away that I am not all that calm at all causing her to laugh at me.

Hearing this I just turn my head away and pout which only causes more giggling to be heard.

"Alright if you are interested then you can come to play with me tonight~" in which I can only nod my head in response still trying to hide my flustered face.

Taking a moment to calm down I walk towards the foot of the bed where my first 'meal' as a lust demon awaits.

"Anyway back to the lesson as you can imagine when the process of draining their vitality away begins the person in question will feel their life slipping away and eventually die if too much is taken. Though at the same time the action of draining increases their sensitivity at the same time making it harder for them to fight back, both physically speaking and mentally speaking. However, if you can't make the other person become lost to the pleasure then they will try with all they can to fight back which will be dangerous if nothing is restraining them." nodding my head thus far.

"As such there are different methods that can be used to safely drain them or at the very least lessen the risk, as you can see here by restraining them and taking any method that they have to resist away is the safest. The next method would be by overwhelming the other with so much pleasure that they are lost to lust and can't help but want to keep indulging in your body despite their lives being at risk making it a lot more enjoyable. As for the more advanced methods they require the use of mental type magic to keep prey docile and more suggestive to your desires. There are more than these methods, but these are the standard ones and for today's lesson you will attempt to get your target to keep having sex with you despite their life being at risk." seeing me nod my head she takes out a small jar with a sweet scent coming from it, seeing my questioning look Beatrice explains to me.

"This is a concoction made from the Porsle fruit that can be gathered at the grove you appeared in, despite not affecting lust demons this concoction acts as an aphrodisiac to other races. Simply having a small amount of this smeared on them will increase sensitivity, ingesting this will make their entire body feel more sensitive as they become horny. You can use this as you wish on him, and after leaving here you can keep it with you to do whatever you wish to do with it." smiling mischievously at me, while I can feel myself grinning as well.

"Now then I will release him from the magic keeping him asleep and use illusion magic to make it so he can't see me when you start. From then on I will be giving you advice on how to improve in technique to better pleasure and drain him. Before starting make sure to come up with a plan of action, if you need advice on how to proceed just ask me for advice." nodding my head back to her gratefully.

That being said how should I go about this, I could just leave him restrained on the bed but that doesn't really seem exciting at all not to mention that I wouldn't really get any worthwhile experience from that alone.

'What to do, what to do? Hm, wait I could try to do that.' coming up with a plan of attack relaying my idea to Beatrice with a mischievous smile as she responds with one of her own agreeing with my idea.

??? POV:

"Ugh, what the fuck just happened to me?" groaning out loud trying to get rid of the grogginess I am currently feeling.

Opening my eyes I become shocked by what I see in the room, making sure I am not seeing things I start blinking multiple times yet the sight before me doesn't disappear.

"Where the hell am I!?" with anger lacing my voice at the unknown situation I catch myself in, not only that but being butt naked as well with signs of my clothes anywhere.

Not only that but I have a boner at the moment making my little brother rise to seven inches in size.

Though soon after my shouting some soft groans can be heard next to me.

"W-what where am I, w-who are you?" a soft voice squeaking out towards me filled with what I assume to be fear in their voice.

Turning towards their direction I can't help but become dumbstruck with my mouth wide open.

In front of me are a young 'girl' with flawless skin, just enough curves in all the right places, and the beautiful face of a fair maiden.

Despite that this person in front of me is not a 'girl' but rather a boy with astonishing feminine features, even so, just one thought runs through my head.

'I want to ravage this boy, no young girl in front of me crying and begging me to stop.' with an evil smirk appearing on my face thinking of what I will be doing to this boy, no this girl, and pleasure her body will give me.

"Well, what do we have here a cute defenseless little girl presenting her body to me hehe." chuckling to myself seeing her purple eyes becoming watery as horror can be seen coming from her expression.

"W-wait mister, please don't do this to me, I-I b-beg you!" squirming against her restraints in desperation to escape me.

"Don't worry this uncle will just show you a good time, I promise that you will be moaning and begging for it like a bitch in heat." crawling on the bed closer to her as the little bitch starts shedding some tears, lamenting the situation she is in no doubt.

Anna POV:

'Hehe worked like a charm.' chuckling to myself inwardly seeing this guy blinded by his desire to rape me to question why I am here restained on the bed next to him.

My idea from early was that if I switched our roles with him being released and me being trapped, it would give him the idea that he could do whatever he wants with me in the situation.

Although he would have questioned the situation more under normal circumstances, that is only under normal circumstances.

With the aphrodisiac, Beatrice gave me earlier I used it to rub it on his dick causing it to become hard making him horny from the start.

Seeing me defenseless whilst in a horny state lust overtook his reasoning already, the proof of that is seeing him crawling towards panting like a horny dog wanting to do one thing, fuck like an animal.

'Oh have to keep my excitement down, can't let him find out what's really happening just yet~' inwardly licking my lips as my body trembles in excitement, yet on the outside looking as though I am trembling in fear.