Progress 4

"Do you think that you are a hero? That you can take on beasts above your level and come out as a winner without any losses? What made you think that going to the Beast Forest without any cultivation was a good idea?? How arrogant can you be? I thought you were more mature and intelligent than this. You proved that point to me many times in my life and yet you decide to something this insane. It's unheard of. No sane child goes into the Beast Forest! That's not even the most infuriating thing! It's the fact that those useless guards allowed you entry in the first place! How dare they!!" She got close to Li Wei and made eye contact. "Once you start cultivating, I'm going to be able to sense your Qi. Then I'll see if you dare to do something this stupid ever again. I promise you this. If I ever catch you something this dangerous ever again, you will stay home until you become an adult. Food and water will be provided, but you will not enter the sect anymore." After she said her part, she exited the house and flew back home.

"Wow. I have never seen her this angry before. Guess I should be more careful...not." He smiled. "Good thing I don't have to go out for a while." Li Wei entered his dimension and stretched. Once he was warmed up, he continued training his techniques to their max level. Around eight was when he finally completed every unmastered technique he had. The thirty-three hours he had from nine in the morning to eight in the night aided his progress tremendously. That and his new levels of comprehension and body power from the Slumbering Base Technique sped up everything.

Walking to the library, he felt a pair of eyes watching him. Due to his Qi sensing ability, he knew that it was his mother who was watching his actions. Even without that ability, Li Wei knew that he was being observed. During his time in the Beast Forest, he had to be hyper-aware of everything in his surroundings. There were beasts who were invisible, some attacked from the ground, some were fast and silent, and many more. As a result, Li Wei was in battle mode with every step he took. Anything that even resembled a beast would be analyzed and then attacked if it threatened him in any form.

No mercy. That's also something he learned from the Beast Forest. The one time he didn't kill a beast nearly resulted in his death. If it wasn't for the fact that he prepared an antidote before he came to the forest, the Rank 1 snake creature would've taken him down for good. Never again he constantly told him as he finished off everything in his path. When he kept killing other beasts, Li Wei always thought that he would become one of them one day because he slaughtered others in the same exact way. There was, however, a situation where he spared one of those creatures as the Rank 1 beast only wanted to protect her children. This decision made him feel proud of himself later on since it meant that he still kept his humanity and morals.

Entering the library, Li Wei bent backward as he saw a fist with a greenish aura at the place where his head was. Using his hands to balance himself in his position, he raised his legs to grab the hand and twist it. It didn't go as planned since the person he tried to trap was much stronger than him and shook him off like ragdoll. Flying back out the entrance of the library, he used his feet to stop the leftover force from pushing him back any further, but he knew that an attack was coming so he dived to his right. Once he stood upon the ground beneath him, he unleashed a Bear Strike at his target with his right hand as he readied up his Seven Force Palm in his left. Right as Li Wei was about to touch the enemy, he stopped on his spot and used the Sever Force Palm above him.

His palm met with another palm and he felt his skeleton system tremble from the contact. If his bleeding palm was anything to go by, he knew that he wasn't a match for the person in front of him. In the small crater he made, Li Wei stood up with heavy breaths and looked around for the person who attacked him. There was no presence or Qi to indicate that the black-clothed person even existed. It was after this thought did he get punched in the chest with a heavy blow.

Crashing into a wall, Li Wei slowly started to get up and use the wall to do so.

"S-Seriously...? Who tries this hard against a five-year-old you as*hole...I think you broke my sternum," he said as he blacked out. Out of the shadows came out three people who had three different expressions.

"Told you. Your kid is strong. I had to use the Orange Realm's power to harshly damage him. Even then, he managed to break my wrist before I did that. See, you have nothing to be worried about Mistress Lu."

She gave him a wrathful glare. "I understand that you wanted to prove your point, but why did you go this far! He is five you old coot!!"

"And he's much more capable than you at your own age. From his strength alone, I know he is as strong as someone in the peak of the Red Realm."

"That's still not an excuse to hurt him this badly!! I thought he was your disciple!"

"He is. That's why I'm giving him access to the second floor of the library and a gift." Headmaster Wei approached Li Wei and fed him the same pill as yesterday. Librarian Li picked up Li Wei and started to leave.

"Where are you going with my son!" she shouted.

"Home. My boys are curious about my first disciple and so I'm taking him. Problem?" he asked.

Mistress Lu wanted to say something, but the Headmaster spoke first. "No no. There is no problem. Just promise me that he'll come home in one piece. He may not be of my blood, but I had him in my life for five years now and I don't wish to stop any time soon." Librarian Li looked at the Headmaster. "My children and I have a bond because we are blood-related. Li Wei and I have a bond because we love each other." He unleashed his Qi and a Thunder Beast materialized from it. "That is why I vow to Heaven and Earth that I will never stop trying to kill you if my son gets hurt due to you."