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How She Died

Mandy ran with her machete in hand through the forest. She had long left the cart of chopped wood behind. Who- no what was chasing after was getting closer.

She was so close to the centre where all the hunters would usually be gathered- her plan was to lure it there so they could kill it.

Unfortunately luck had abandoned her that day, she tripped over a protruding root and fell face first on to the dirty and muddy ground, the machete she was holding in her hand had been flung somewhere out of her reach. Before she could get up something extremely heavy landed on her back. It pushed her even deeper into the muddy ground, to the point where she could hardly breathe. Mandy struggled to try and lift whatever was hindering her off, knowing that she was much stronger than normal people. This only resulted in her being pushed down even further.

Her poor lungs were burning from the lack of air. Mandy thought back to earlier when she had told her mom that she would be fine, only to end up losing her life in such a pitiful way. Having her entire body being caught between what felt slightly heavier than a bulldozer and the same muddy ground she would walk on everyday.

Mandy didn't know for how long exactly she was struggling for, though it felt like years, but when she started to feel her muscles getting weaker and her joints hurting she knew her time was coming to an end. She tried fighting harder but there seemed to be no escaping this end. Her rapid heart beat was slowing down with her eyes already closed, she could no longer move an inch.

Finally her heart came to a complete stop. That was when the heavy weight, that was the paw of a soul creature, on her back was removed.

A tall and lean man stepped away from the tree he was leaning on and came to inspect the body of Mandy.

"So this was it, the final one that we needed to be did off? I'm quite disappointed. She wasn't trained like the others were, she couldn't even put up a decent fight against you, Arak. Truly disappointing." The soul creature made a deep gruff sound as if he was disappointed as well.

With one last look the man and creature pair turned away. As they walked their bodies shifted. and soon they disappeared into the mist that came as soon as it went.



The man that was sitting on the couch reading heard his wife's cry. He dropped the book before running up the stairs to their bedroom as fast as he could with his limp foot. When he got there he saw Judy on the floor crying over something.

Ryan felt a sense of crisis building in his heart. He cautiously stepped to her trying to see what she was holding on to.

"Jude," he called. "What's wrong?"

Judy turned around to look at Ryan with her tears still streaming down her face, "Oh, Ryan. It- It's happened."

He finally got to see what it was that Judy was holding on to so tightly. It was a dull crystal.

Unlike the last time he had seen it, it was no longer glowing vibrantly or buzzing with a passion. Now it was just a dull piece of crystal.

Ryan grabbed Judy and hugged her they both knew what it meant when the crystal stopped shining. It's other half is no more.

Mandy was dead.