Salamander hunting and the lightning class

Xol used his Mana Sonar though it hadn´t increased in range, his improved mana sensibility had allowed him to measure more exactly the number of mana signals in a cluster. Moving to the cluster with 2 signals he soon found his target.

[Fire Elemental Salamander LVL 11]

HP: 3,200/3,200

MP: 7,700/7,700

[Fire Elemental Salamander LVL 11]

HP: 3,200/3,200

MP: 7,700/7,700

Xol prepared himself and started creating invisible chains, having finished his preparations, he bounded them both. Once they were immobilized Xol dashed to them and pierced the legs of the first one before advancing to the second, this way they couldn´t run away, if the squirm out the chains.

As he proceeded to finish the one in front him, he felt the chains in the other salamander broke. Turning back, he saw the salamander was covered in flames, glaring at him.

'Damnit, that´s a similar skill to the one senior Jin used' Xol frowned. And dodged to side as he saw the salamander shooting a half meter radius Fireball at him.

'This cooldown is even lower that Henley´s! I need to end one fast." Xol thought as he regained his bearing and proceeded to impale the head of the one chained, seeing it wasn´t enough he dodged a fireball and shot 2 Mana bullet at the trapped salamander, as the salamander broke the chains Xol arrived next to it and slashed and stabbed it side until it stopped moving. Taking care of one he glanced toward the second one and saw that it was shooting another Fireball at him.

Pulling his spear in front of him, he started rotating it with both hands, managing to deflect most of the damage. With the fireball taken care he dashed to the salamander, seeing it was preparing to shoot another Fireball, Xol ran toward the left side and started circling it. As he circled it, he raised his left hand and started shooting Mana Bullets at the salamander. Once the salamander lost sight of him, he created a Mana Chain that bound completely it´s head before charging toward it. He slashed it´s body as he passed and impaled its head once close enough. Seeing the it still had some breath he shot a Mana bullet taking the last chunk of HP away.

With both taken care, Xol rubbed the sweat off his forehead and then proceeded to collect the loot.

[Acquired the following items:

Fire Elemental Salamander Skin X2

Fire Elemental Salamander Bones X7

Fire Elemental Salamander Tail X2

Fire Elemental Salamander Core X1

Fire Elemental Salamander Chitin Guard (Blue) X1

Mana Crystal X3]

"Nice I got a equipment" Xol smiled seeing his loot.

[Fire Elemental Salamander Chitin Guard (Armguard, Blue)

+5 INT

+2 DEF]

"Now that I entered the academy, I should be able to equip more pieces, instead of the max of one piece of equipment Jun told me the academy had for the entrance trial." Xol smiled at his luck.

Equipping the armguard, he set the appearance as invisible as he didn´t liked how it looked. Once that was done, he proceeded to search for another salamander remembering his previous scan.

[Ice Elemental Salamander LVL 11]

HP: 3,200/3,200

MP: 7,800/7,800

[Ice Elemental Salamander LVL 14]

HP: 4,100/4,100

MP: 9,300/9,300

Not wanting to be so greedy this time he opted for another approach. He waited for them to be close together and shot a Mana Bomb to the LVL 14 hitting the other one in the process. Once the blast dissipated, he chained both them and started shooting Mana Bullets as he advanced toward the LVL 14. He quickly started slashing and stabbing it, as it squirmed viciously. Before he could finish it, the chains broke, and shot an ice blast at Xol, taking the brunt he shot a Mana Bullet as he got close again and finished it with a stab at its head.

As Xol turned and advance toward the other one, it broke the chains and shot an Ice Blast at him. Dodging the blast to the side, he saw the salamander squirming and bones protruding from his sides.


Soon the salamander started firing ice spikes from the bones, slashing the one that was coming at him. Xol quickly shot 2 Mana Bullets at it. The Salamander soon turned and shot an Ice burst toward him. He dashed toward the side and saw the same behavior, every time he tried to take a blind spot the salamander would start shooting ice spikes at him. Receiving some damage Xol shot a Mana Bullet as it turned toward him, he then created an invisible chain around the salamander. Once the salamander was aiming at him, he quickly sent the chain to bind it´s head before it had a chance to attack.

Dashing toward it Xol intended to impale it´s head, seeing the enemy advancing at it, the salamander quickly turned and used his side attack him. Xol quickly slashed the incoming spears and rolled to the safe area in front of the head before the second barrage, using all his force in his legs he propelled himself toward the salamander and stabbed it´s head.

Seeing the salamander stopped moving, Xol legs gave up and abruptly sat down.

´This may take a while.' Xol sighed, seeing his HP at 432.

Dusting himself, he proceeded to retrieve his loot.

[Acquired the following items:

Ice Elemental Salamander Skin X2

Ice Elemental Salamander Bones X6

Ice Elemental Salamander Tail X2

Mana Crystal X2]


While Xol was busy inside the dungeon, in the outside world. Richter and Jun had entered the principal office and were greeted as they entered.

"Oh, Richter you did come in the end, did my performance really caught you fancy." Jin said with a smirk seeing Richter coming in with a young man with him.

"Oh, was this the senior that you guys ended fighting? How about I repay the defeat he made you suffer in the second trial?" Jun said with impish smile.

"But we defeat him in the trial. What is big brother Jun referring?" Richter glanced with a confused look.

"Wait, you guys beat a mana cultivator trained by principal Zestari for your second trial?"


"Geez, now I understand why you guys placed so high in the rankings, beating a senior it's pretty rare sight for the second trial in itself, but that the senior would also be mana cultivator makes it even harder to accomplish." Jun said rubbing the back of head looking at Richter like some monster.

"Um… Richter this y-y-young man i-i-is…" Jin glanced at Jun with shock.

"Oh, sorry I´m Jun Springbow, I used to study under teacher Zestari so that would make you my junior, good to make your acquaintance." Jun said with smile and stretched his hand toward Jin.

"So, it´s really is Stormbringer Jun! Ah I´m so honored to makes acquaintance of one of the persons in the honor tablet wall of teacher Zestari." Jin stretched both his hands and shake Jun hand reverence filling his eyes. As he did many student in the room glanced hearing the name Stormbringer Jun, admiration on their eyes.

"Honor tablet wall?" Richter raised an eyebrow toward Jin.

"Un, teacher has a tablet on a wall of her office where she engraves the names of students that had managed outstanding feats, either inside the academy or once they graduate. Making your name reach the table is a huge honor as a student of her." Jin said with reverence.

"I see." Richter said as he grasped his hand in a fist with a new goal in his mind.

"*Cough, Cough* is teacher here, I actually need to talk with about an urgent matter?" Jun said a little blushed of the comment and being center of attention.

"Un, she is currently in the sealed chamber aiding her daughter with her class change to mana cultivator. She asked me to keep an eye on everyone and to make sure none would disturb her while this is happening, so big brother Jun will have to wait a few for her to come out." Jin explained the situation

"I understand"

"So is Richter your little brother that was supposed to join the academy two years ago?" Jin said giving a new look at Richter.

"No, he is a friend of Xol, whom you´re referring. I actually wanted to recommend Richter for Teacher Zestari class." Jun said as he scratched his cheek.

"I see. Now I can´t feel any shame in losing to your group" Jin said with a smile at Richter.


"Jin, how are you guys doing." a voice was heard as the door on the back of the room opened.

"Oh, Teacher there someone looking for you" Jin reported and he raised a hand toward Jun.

"Jun, its being so long what brings you here." Zestari said with a smile as he walked toward Jun.

"Well I wanted to recommend this little one"—Jun placed a hand over Richter head — "toward your class, he a roommate of Xol. Also, I have a matter to discuss with you." Jun said with serious face.

"Seeing that look I guess it's very important. How about you follow me to the sealed room. It also would also be a good opportunity to present you my daughter" Zestari giggled as she turned around and gestured Jun to follow her.

They followed Zestari toward her office, which was very similar to Izuriel´s minus the terrariums and different painting, on the right wall was also a door which Zestari, gestured to enter. This second room was an eastern style training dojo, in the center of the room was a girl with her scarlet hair made a mess, she had a pained expression and was breathing heavily.

"Asteria dear I´ll be needing the room to discuss a matter with Jun here, you can rest in my office while we discuss it." Zestari said as she entered.

"Also, Jun this my daughter and my pride, Asteria." Zestari turned and presented her daughter with bright smile.

Asteria turned around hearing the door open and quickly tried started to fix her hair as she saw someone entering with her mom.

Richter was immediately surprised that Asteria was the principal daughter, but what surprised him to most wasn´t this fact nor the fact of her dragged appearance, it was the fact that her right eye that she covered with her bangs was in fact a crimson red in contrast with her left dark blue eye. Seeing her covering quickly with her hair, he decided that it was better not to ask her anything.

"I´m Asteria Fyre, pleased to make your acquaintance" Asteria bowed toward Jun.

"Jun Springbow nice to finally meet you" Jun returned the bow.

"Oh! Richter what are you doing here, are you planning to enroll in mom´s class?" Asteria was surprised as he stood back up and saw Richter on the side.

"Un, that and big brother Jun said I also need to hear what he was going to discuss with the principal." Richter nodded.

"Oh, you two already know each other, were you also in Xol´s group for the second trial? If so, it would be better for you too also remain." Jun said as he saw the exchange.

"I was, is the matter you need to discuss with mom related to Xol?" Asteria asked with some confusion in her tone.

"Un, how about we seat as I start explaining myself." Jun nodded and glanced toward he principal.

"Un, I have some meditation cushion we can use." Zestari nodded.