White Liger Party P2

"Mana Bullet, Mana bomb, Mana Shield, Mana Shockwave, Combustion, Fireball, Flame Arrow and Flame barrier are my active skills, they…" Marcel said

"Swiftness, Batou strike, Iaidou strike, slash, double slash are my active skills, he best ways to utilize them is.." Kingo said after Marcel finished

"Okay let's go." Xol commanded having heard the skills Marcel and Kingo had.

"Richter, could you see the monsters while we discussed?" Xol glanced at Richter that had stood guard.

"I saw them a few seconds, they are some kind of goat and they should be under that crag" Richter, said pointing a few meters from the original direction.

"Okay, we will pass the crag and try to find them, once we can see them we will retreat and hide to discuss the plan." Xol said glancing at the group.

The group started moving toward the crag Richter pointed, Kingo was walking a little farther ahead of the groups since he would be the tank in the current party. Once they passed he crag they scanned area and soon found the goats around 20 meters ahead.

The goats where brown colored with some black spots on their sides, their black horns were curved toward the back of their head.

[Black Iron Horned Goat LVL 22]

HP: 20,300/20,300

MP: 14,050/14,050

[Black Iron Horned Goat LVL 22]

HP: 20,300/20,300

MP: 14,050/14,050

[Black Iron Horned Goat LVL 23]

HP: 20,900/20,900

MP: 14,250/14,250

Reatreating as he had said Xol closed his eyes and pondered a plan, having a general idea he opened his eyes and exhaled.

"Kingo, focus on baiting the Level 23, I´ll restrain the other two. Marcel shoot a Flame Arrow at one of them, I´ll bring the other next to it while you cast Fireball, once they are close together, Richer use Mana bomb, Marcel Fireball´s 3 seconds casting time should have finished by this. Richter use Mana Bullets on the same one hit by Fireball."

"If they break their bindings, I´ll bound the strongest, Marcel use a Fire arrow to get the attention of the other in case it goes toward Kingo, Richter charge Mana punch and prepare to hit it as soon as the goat come to us. Marcel hit it with combustion if it survives otherwise use on the other one."

Once they all nodded at the plan, the group sneaked toward an area where hat had the goats in range of their skills. Xol started preparing the invisible chains around the two level 22 and once he was ready, he glanced at Kingo.


Kingo quickly dashed, Marcel started to cast Fireball as he dashed Xol passed the chains toward their legs forcing them to knee, once their kneed Xol trapped the legs in the torso and used another chain to bind he back legs. Once Marcel hit one, Xol pulled the other toward it, seeing them together, Richter shot a Mana Bomb hitting both. Marcel shot Fireball toward the weakest with the casting time finished.


A wall was erected by one of the goats blocking the incoming Fireball. The wall covered the goats completely making impossible for Marcel and Richer to bombard them. Soon the chains broke and both goats came from opposite side of the wall. Seeing their enemies their started charging toward them, as they advanced at the origin point of the horns a smaller horn of the same material as if a spear formed in the head of the goats.

The one with less health was dashing toward Marcel as he had been hit by the fire arrow initially, while the second went for Richter. Xol created an invisible chain 3 meters in front of Marcel and bound the other one with visible chains. Seeing one goat getting bound Richter prepared Mana Punch.

"Marcel, don't move, invisible chains! Richter hit it once it falls."

As the goat got near the invisible chain, Xol focused completely on binding the legs of the goat making it trip, once it tripped Richter quickly moved to punch it.

"Richter pull back, Marcel combust it." Xol said as he focused again on the second one that had been freed and already charging at them.

As soon as Richer pulled back, Marcel combusted the goat as it recovered onto its legs.

"Richter bait it." Xol commanded seeing the goat suddenly combusting.

Richter quickly started shooting Mana Bullets at it, once the goat charged at him, he dodged to the side. As this happened Xol successfully bound the second goat that had gotten near the group.

Once the goat passed Richter, the goat stopped itself, balancing over its front legs it sent a dual kick toward Richter. Not expecting this Richter tried to block with his right arm but received the brunt on the side of his ribs and was propelled a few meters back the group, rolling as he landed, he tried to stand up but puked blood once he tried.

"BASTARD!" Marcel shouted as he shot 2 fire arrows at the goat.

The goat felt the pain and dashed at Marcel. Seeing this Marcel raised both his hand, the right hand was slightly in front of the left that had a light blue magic circle in front of it. A Mana wall was erected in front of him which the Goat crashed with, once the horn was stuck in the wall, a red magic circle shone in his right hand. As the red magic circle appeared a flame barrier appeared in front of the Mana Shield.

'Oh, clever. Even though Flame Barrier can only stop Magical attacks and anything other could go through receiving damage per second inside the flame wall. Once the goat was stuck, he casted the flame barrier as an attack instead of it being a lifesaving skill." Jun commented seeing what just happened. 'I wonder if he planned for the goat to get stuck maximizing the damage in the process or if I was luck.'

Once the flame barrier ended, seeing that the goat still had some HP, Marcel sent a Mana Shockwave finishing it off.

As this happened Xol controlled the chains on the second goat, he would loosen them from time to time so the goat had some trouble breaking them, making it so the chains slip as it applied some force on the chains. Soon the Goat managed to break them and glared at Xol. Lifting his right front leg scratching the ground, it created the extra horn on dashed at him.

"Roll" Richter shouted seeing the goat intending to impale Xol.

Hearing the shout Xol rolled as soon as the goat passed, turning his head as his legs touched again the ground, he saw what Richter referred, seeing that the goat would have kick him with it´s back legs. Xol jumped backward keeping his sight on the goat, seeing it was trying to turn, Xol quickly glanced toward the back on both sides. He located Richer who was his worry drinking a HP potion toward the left side of his back, Marcel was casting Mana Shockwave at the goat he got in front of him. Seeing the goat again he shot a Mana bomb at it, as it was casting the extra horn.


Using the chance, he got from the goat receiving the blast, he proceeded to create some mana chains and bind it. Richter finished drinking another potion and Marcel took some air in finishing his enemy. Soon both started using their skill on the goat.

With Xol restraining it, Marcel and Richter finished the goat after some seconds. Once the goat was done Xol glanced at Kingo´s fight. Kingo hasn´t really taken damage but the goat had received some damage, currently Kingo was focused on dodging.

[Black Iron Horned Goat LVL 23]

HP: 18,810/20,900

MP: 10,250/14,250

Taking 3 MP potions Xol recovered 600 MP and glanced at Marcel and Richter.

"I´ll restraining it, you guys shoot it" Xol said.

Seeing them nod Xol turned and dashed, once he was close enough to cast the chains, he stopped himself.

"Kingo pull back toward us, I´ll restrain it while Marcel and Richter bombard him!" Xol commanded as he created chains and started binding the goat.

Hearing this and seeing the chains retreated, soon he saw the goat receiving Flame arrows and Mana Bullets.

"Kingo be ready to engage it if the chain breaks!" Xol shouted.

Soon the goat broke free and started dashing to headbutt Marcel, seeing this Kingo jumped and used his slash skill. Once the goat received the damage it glanced at Kingo. Kingo quickly repositioned making so the goat gave its back toward the group. Taking this chance Marcel and Richter shot it again, as soon it felt the pain it turned to the mage group intending to charge. Xol didn´t let it as he had prepared some chains as Kingo had gained it attention, soon he bound it again but before the group could barrage it, it created a stone wall.

"Reposition, Kingo bait it." Xol shouted.

Spreading a little the group managed to get a good shooting area as Kingo baited the goat out of it cover. Bombarding the goat as it was baited, the goat quickly tried to ram into Kingo but quickly tried to circle his own wall once he felt the damage. Xol prepared another se of chains and bound it again.

"Kingo, pull back I´ll mana bomb it" Richer said seeing the cooldown up.

Haring this Kingo retreated, once he was out of the blast zone Richter send a Mana bomb, Marcel also took he chance.



The Goat dropped dead. The group relaxes a bit seeing hey killed it. Xol took some breath of air and then checked his status.

[Xol LVL 10 Apprentice

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 638/1650]

Xol drank 3 MP potion and recovered another 600 MP.

"Mind if I collect the loot, with my blacksmith side job I should be able to extract some extras as I they had black iron in their name." Kingo said as he sheathed his katanas.

"Sure" Xol said as he scanned the area.

"So, want me to evaluate you guys first or you want o ponder on your mistakes first." Jun said as he walked toward the group.

"I prefer some self-evaluation first" Xol said after crossing his arms.

"Me too." Ricther said as he stored an empty potion bottle in his inventory.

"Un, all right." Jun nodded at their proposal.

"I think I would have been better to wait a bit before using fireball to see if they had some lifesaving skills." Xol said after pondering a bit.

"I let my guard down once I dodged the goat I didn't expect the kick, If had taken some distance as I dodged I wouldn't had be hit so badly." Richter commented.

"I´m not sure if I made a mistake" Marcel commented with a blank look and his arms closed

"Un, Xol what you said its true, try to test the waters before using the skill with long cooldown once you see the enemy start using their lifesaving skill you can use the strong skills." Jun nodded at the group.

"Richter, once someone is passing your side you can either do two things, sent an elbow as it passed buying making it more difficult for you opponent to follow up in a combo or use your other hand to shoot a mana bullet as it passes like this" Jun raised his left hand in front of his chest and sent a mana bullet toward his right side.

"Marcel, the only thing would be you forgot about Mana bomb until the last section of the fight, I´ll admit Mana Bullet does less damage than flame arrow and can be shot almost as fast, but Mana Bomb would still pack a punch" Jun said.