White Liger Party P4

The bear was patrolling around the obelisk, rarely it would roar at random spots as itI circled around. It was around 3 meters long with obsidian incrusted in his shoulders, the claws were black which Xol believed were also made of obsidian.

[Obsidian Incrusted Grizzly Bear LVL 25]

HP: 27,650/27,650

MP: 16,200/16,200

"Seeing as it only one enemy, Kingo try to stall it for Richer and Marcel to shoot their spells. Marcel once it turn it´s back at us as it circles the obelisk, use Fireball on it, after that use Fire Arrows, once we are sure it doesn't have or has used its lifesaving skill like the goats use Mana Bomb on it." Xol started explaining the plan

"I doubt my chains can resist a lot of time against it, but if I breaks them easily, I try to mess its attack timing, or his center of gravity making forcing it to fall and gain more time. If even still the chains don't work, I´ll help you guys bombard it. We all three will be close together, Richer wait a little before every time you shoot a Mana Bullet, if you see it´s preparing some range attack like the lynxes, use Mana Shield to cover us. If this happen Marcel, you will lower you attack speed to do the same, evaluate which shield would be better in your case." Xol finished explaining and extended his hand

The group nodded and started taking positions, once the bear turned Marcel started casting Fireball and Kingo prepared himself to dash toward the bear. Once Marcel shoot the bear and it turned locating Marcel, Kingo used swiftness and dashed toward the bear before it could advance toward the group.

Marcel and Richer started bombarding the bear while Xol tried to bound it but could only maintain the binding chains for one second. Receiving the damage, the bear tried to claw Kingo with his front paws, but Kingo jumped toward his back dodging the attack.

"Kingo, pull back a meter, it doesn´t seems it would create a wall to stop spells!" Xol shouted, hearing this Kingo retreated.

"Bomb it." Xol commanded as he sent a Mana Bomb. Marcel and Richter followed immediately.




Once the blast ended the bear glared at the group with red eyes and started to stand on his back legs. Opening his maws, a thick obsidian chunk started forming in front of it. Being ready Richer created a Mana Shield in front of the group.

"Be ready to dodge as soon its fire. The shield wouldn´t completely stop that thing." Richter commanded as he prepared to jump.

Soon the bear shot the obsidian chunk and using the slight time window the shield provided all of them got unscathed. Recovering their bearings, the group continued shooting spells at the bear. Marcel used Combustion then returned to using Flame Arrow, while Xol and Richer continued using Mana Bullets.

The bear glared at Marcel that had done the most damage, as it did, its claws started glowing and as soon as it clawed at Marcel direction, energy claws shots off the paws. Marcel quickly made a Mana Shield that stopped the first claw but the second shoot through and hit Marcel taking 30% of his HP.

The bear returned to his 4 paws and started dashing at Marcel. Kingo used the Iaido Strike on it, seeing the bear was still advancing, he used Battou Strike on one of the back legs of the bear. As the katana passed it left a bleeding effect on the wound making the bear trip after receiving this attack.

HP: 6,502/27,650

Seeing the bear on the ground the group continued firing a it, once the bear recovered onto his feet. He growled angrily, as soon as his happened the obsidian chunks on his back began rapidly expanding.


The bear roared as soon as the body was fully covered in obsidian, after this the bear curled himself and stared rolling toward Marcel.

Marcel quickly made a Flame Barrier and moved out of the way, as the bear crossed the barrier it took some damage. As the bear passed the group continued bombarding but only Marcel´s Flame arrows were doing damage. Once the bear rolled a distance it slowed and recovered on to his four paws then turned again and started rolling toward Marcel

"Wait for the skill time to end, his defense has grown considerably." Xol commanded as he created some chains trying to slow down the bear.

Though most the chains were quickly broken, he did manage to slow down the bear so it was easier for everybody to dodge and not get crushed. Soon the skill effect ended allowing the group to take off the remaining HP. With the received experience Marcel raised from 21 to 22.

"Not bad guys now then, before you all go to the next floor pass me your empty bottle potions" Jun said as he extend his hand.

"Uhm okay, but big brother Jun, I don't remember you having an alchemist side job why do you want them?" Xol asked with a confused face as he took out the bottles.

"I´m not making potion nor anything that style, I just going to create some water an fill them. The next area would be really hot, so you guys would need something to hydrate yourself or you could risk getting the dehydrate debuff." Jun said as he took the bottle and took the lid off.

Placing all the bottle on the ground, he created a huge water ball above him and controlled water streams to fill each bottle. Soon everyone got 3 bottles each.

"All right let's proceed to the next floor" Xol said once Marcel finished assigning his new stats points.

The scenery waiting for them was a desolated plain with lava rivers flowing by in the distance one could see five active volcanoes.

"Crap, I don't know if you guys are really unlucky or really lucky seeing all five volcanoes active." Jun said as he saw the scenery.

"What do you mean big brother Jun." Xol asked with confused face as he glanced the area.

"One can judge the boss monster just by seeing the number of active volcanoes, also when all are active, the monster become a little stronger." Jun said with stern face. "Currently with all five active there are 2 possible boss monsters neither of those are good news for your group composition."


"For now, let´s advance toward the center volcano, we will collect the cores as we approach." Jun said with a grim face.

As the group advance Xol used Mana Sonar to detect the various monster on the floor. They found fiery demonic lions with similar skillset as the lynxes, some flaming bears that acted as the obsidian incrusted grizzly but without the rolling skill. The group also drank some water from time to time as they advanced.

After a few hours of hunting the group managed to collect ten cores and Marcel gained another level up, following that they continued toward the center volcano. Once the group got near the volcano, they could see two lava rivers with a trail between them, the trail leaded to a cave in the volcano.

Glancing inside the cavern they could see a fiery lion sleeping and a winged beast that was enshrouded in its blue wings as it slept. The lion mane was blue fire and its fur was light blue, it was around 3 meters long. The wings of the other creature were bigger than the whole lion so it also be bigger than the lion.

[Blue Flame Lion LVL 28 (Elite)]

HP: 33,175/33, 175

MP: 27,840/27,840]

[Blue Flame Winged Lioness LVL 30(Captain)]

HP: 45,000/45,000

MP: 27,840/27,840]

"Well you guys are really unlucky; this is the hardest boss possible in this dungeon." Jun with grimaced face. "If you would have gotten the male winged version you would had an easier time and could kill it, but you definitely need my help to clear it now."

"If big brother Jun is going to fight, we would definitely need to lead them outside for you to use the maximum of your storm attunement, right?" Xol asked as he turned to see Jun.

"You could but I still not that adept in controlling the storm I create. I´ll paralyze them with lightning magic so Marcel can score more contribution and gain more experience, but after doing that, I´m killing them off the bat." Jun said as he retreated some meters and started preparing.

Jun stopped himself and stretched both his hands and closed his eyes, soon a light purple magic circle started forming in the floor he was standing, the magic cycle kept expanding until it reached two meters, after a time a yellow one extended from the light purple edges expanding half a meter from the original, following that a black extend another half meter. After the circle were formed Jun opened his eyes an placed his left hand on the floor.

"Come here!" Jun shouted as he lifted his head.

Soon a storm started forming in the sky, lightning started striking the volcano, rain down poured, and the wind became very erratic. Soon a light purple lightning fell toward Jun and following that a yellow lightning also fell creating a huge dust cloud as they fell. Before the dust could dissipate, Jun exited and was beside the group, a light purple lightning that resembled a spear on his right hand and yellow lightning orb on his left hand.

"I can paralyze them three times before this spell ends, with the raging storm and the level difference of them with my level, the effect should stop them completely for around 5 seconds. As I used all my MP you must make it count before I kill them." Jun said with each of his eyes sparking according to the lightning on his arms.

"Big brother Jun that spell was so cool, is it one of your class spells." Marcel said examining the state he was.

"Un, the storm improves all my spells, though is the only skill I have unlocked. I'm itching to find what more I get as I improve." Jun said with a smile.

As the group was impressed with the state Jun was in and asking some quick questions there was a person that was deeply scared.

'Impossible! That light purple lightning spear is very reminiscent of the tribulation lightning in my past life! Though it is little weaker than what I experienced how did he get such a skill.' Richter though as he took a step back of the group, he wanted to be as far of that spear as soon as he hit something.

Once the group calmed a bit they glanced at the cave, Kingo used swiftness and got close to the side of the cave, having peeked inside he returned.

"They awaked and watching the storm" Kingo reported.

"Un, Marcel you need to score as much contribution from the lioness, the rest of us will strike down the lion. I´ll try to get the lion close to the lioness with chains so big brother Jun can paralyze both. We will Mana bomb them as soon as they are paralyzed. Kingo wait till the second round to enter and use your skills on the lion and retreat before the five seconds." Xol said as he turned and advance toward the ledge of the cave entrance.

Glancing inside the cave he created as many invisible chains he could and pulled the lion close to the lioness.


Jun appeared inside of the cavern and launched a yellow lightning bolt from the lightning orb on his left arm, reducing his size slightly. Marcel, Richter, and Xol sent a Mana Bomb at them, and they continued the barrage with Mana Bullets as Marcel used Combustion on the lioness. Once the five seconds cooldown was up Jun sent a second discharge. Kingo dashed and stopped beside the lion, he unleashed his Iaido Strike and Battou Strike consequently. He used slash and double slash close after and retreated in the last second as swiftness was still active.

Jun sent the las discharge and the orb completely disappeared with the yellow lightning his left eye was irradiating. Kingo dashed again and used normal attacks on the lion. Xol and Richter hadn´t stopped shooting Mana Bullets at the lion while Marcel was busy sending Flame Arrows toward the lioness.

"2 seconds, Kingo move!" Jun shouted once only 2 second of the paralyze status remained.

Once Kingo retreated behind him, Jun throwed the light Purple spear to the lioness affecting the lion who was in proximity. Both dropped dead with they fur charred black.

The group exhaled seeing this scene, Marcel leveled again making him level 24. The group got close to congratulate him and high five him.

"CRAP! Who was born under an unlucky star, the small amount of sapphire phoenix bloodline they have triggered!" Jun shouted seeing the lions immersed in a blue flame.