Xol's First Ranking Challenge

"What would you need?" Xol said tilting his head.

"You remember how I said I received some advices from teacher Aidan, I need some sparring partners to practice the advices tomorrow, which remind I already crafted some spears for you as I familiarize with the material we been receiving." Kingo said as they took the stairs.

"The spears designs are from my country so some can be a little different to what you know. As we spar tomorrow you can use some of these spears and see if you feel comfortable with specific spear type. I wanted to invite the rest of the dormitory and have another tournament around tomorrow noon how about it, you in?" Kingo said

"I'm in but don't forget about learning the hunting knife." Xol nodded and glanced at Kingo.

"Hahaha, don't worry teacher Aidan said I skip tomorrow training session to understand what he said so I´ll use the morning to understand the crafting of the knife as I wait for you guys to finish you classes." Kingo gestured Xol to relax. Xol nodded and both entered the room.

Richter was still cultivating while Marcel was still in the desk, Kingo asked Marcel if tomorrow they could spar which he accepted. Kingo soon started showing Xol the different spear types, or yari as he introduced them to Xol as they waited to see if Richter finished. Sadly, they dint know Richter was cultivating maniac in his past life and before long everyone went to sleep as he didn´t stood up. The group agreed that Xol and Marcel went directly to the sparring hall at 6 pm and Kingo would see if Richter finish before he head there as he would sty in the forge until the appointed time.

The next morning Xol was surprised when he stood up from his bed and saw Richter was still in the lotus position.

'Did he felt asleep like that?' Xol said as he examined Richter.

[Richter Mana Cultivator LVL 10 + 3]

"What!" Xol shouted once he saw his level 'Pretty sure it said +1 before I went to bed, I guess he still, what was what he said again'

'Cultivating' Xol remembered the term and clapped his right fist with his left open hand.

'Well let´s pay a visit to the water teacher and the nature teacher and see if they could teach me Tea making and botany.' Xol thought as he prepared himself, soon he exited the room and went to find them.

Dylan the water teacher told him he could learn from him in the weekends since he used these two days for teaching about the side job. After asking where this class would take place he went to look for the nature teacher. Soon he arrived to the nature classroom and after explaining to a student in the class he discovered the teacher was in her personal greenhouse. The student gave him indications to arrive and Xol was on his way.

Xol arrived in the greenhouse and knocked before entering scanning his surrounding he saw a female figure with long yellow hair giving his back to him as she tended some plants.

[Kenia Elfish Sorceress LVL 104]

"Uhm excuse me are you the nature attunement teacher?" Xol asked some steps away.

"Yes, I am, give me a moment before we do proper introductions." Kenia answered.

Some minutes later she finished transplanting the herbs and stood up and turned to Xol. Compared to principal Zestari that had a more athletic body build with medium bosom, Kenia had a more seductive figure that greatly contrasted the pure feeling her face gave off with the smile she was making. She was wearing a light green dress with a white collar and sleeves; her eyes were like emeralds and her face of a diamond. Lastly her height was 1.72.

"I´m Kenia Bellaluna, the nature attunement teacher. Are you interested in entering my class?" Kenia smile and glanced at Xol.

"Is this the first time you see a high elf?" Kenia asked seeing Xol tilted his head glancing up at her long ears.

"Un, do all of you have ears like that?" Xol asked sheepishly not knowing if he shouldn't ask about the topic.

"Yes, we do." Kenia smiled at Xol reaction.

"I see, I haven't seen anyone like that before. Uhm I want so know if I could learn botany and the Botanist side job from you." Xol scratched the back of his and replied with his hand still in the back of his head.

"Oh, you want to become a botanist. Yes, I can teach you. Want to learn right away?" Kenia said with wide smile and clapped hearing someone was interested in botany.

"Un, what do I have to do?" Xol nodded.

"There is one prerequisite, a place where to grow the plants. You can build a greenhouse like this one or could use a life ring. For now, let see if you can use a life ring to act as your herb garden, please bound it." Kenia said as she took a life ring out and gave it to Xol.

[Life ring (ring, blue)


A Life ring the allow user to store living things and grow plants.

Space available 10 cubic meters.]

Xol soon started bounding it but compared to other items he had bound in the past this time the process took longer. Once he bound it, teacher Kania told him to equip and concentrated on it as if wanting to see a space inside it.

After Xol managed to do what he was instructed he was seeing a separate space. He could see he was standing on light brown soil and there was light blue sky without a sun, soon teacher Kenia entered the ring to evaluate it, she excavated some of the soil and evaluate it, after some time she shook her head.

"Is something the matter teacher?" Xol said seeing her reaction.

"Well how to put it into kind words?" Kenia said a she crossed her arms.

"Life ring´s soil quality is dependent on the owners mana quality, a higher purity and density would mean a better soil to grow medical herbs or other plants. You have good mana density, but I fear your mana is to impure which makes the soil unsuitable to grow plants. Don't worry I can get you some space in my green house so you can learn the basics" Kenia said after some time.

"What does having impure mana means?" Xol said tilting his head.

"The mana ones have is affected by various factors, for example nutrition or how have someone used his mana. These impurities affect directly the quality, making is so we do less damage in battle, buffs and debuffs we cast will be affected in potency and duration and so on. Let me show a way to see it." Kenia said as she took out two glass bottles.

Kenia placed the two bottle and filled them with water, she then took some of the soil and told Xol to sit in front of the bottles.

"Let's imagine this bottle are one´s mana pool, that is the reservoir where all the mana of someone is accumulated. Now imagine the soil as impurities and the water as mana." Kenia started explaining and pointed at the bottle then to the soil in her hand. She added a little soil which Xol could see it float slightly as it sinks slowly into the bottle.

"As you see now there some soil floating in the water, if you drink it would be very harmful to you as it have soil in it, the same would happens to the plants that would grow in this soil nourished by you mana quality. Also there another detail about mana impurities, currently you can see them but in you mana pool the impurities would look mostly like this"— Kenia took a stick for plant support from her inventory and started mixing the soil —" Now the impurities are mixed and are more sparse in the pool making less obvious there are impurities.

"Lastly, your case can be a little extreme as you have too much impurities that are taking too much space in your pool." Kenia said a she placed the bottle in the ground and took more soil and added the soil until the water started overflowing the bottle and pour out. Once half the water fell, she mixed the bottle again.

"The life ring soil reflect this state where one cannot see some good soil as the impurities are scattered equally in your mana pool making so all the soil have the same overall quality." Kenia said a she placed the bottle

"It would be a different case if you have some mana without impurities, but as I cannot see some black soil, that is the best to grow plants as it reflect mana with less impurities, and only some light soil with not enough nutrients I advise you learn with the greenhouse. I also have impure mana so don't mind it." Kenia said with a sweet smile. 'Though my case isn't as extreme as yours as I can grow some plants in life rings in little quantities'

"I see." Xol nodded and quickly jumped frighten by a sudden system notification.

[Evolvable title

Congratulations, user has discovered about various mana concepts and can upgrade the 'Pure Mana Blessed' title. Concepts discovered: Mana sensibility, visualization, mana pool and purity,. Do you want to upgrade title now? Yes / No]

"What happened you scared me!" Kenia said seeing Xol jump so abruptly.

"I got a system notification and was surprised by the 'congratulations' sound it had." Xol said trying to calm himself with a hand over his chest. After a brief moment he touched accept.

[Pure Mana Blessed:

Evolvable title. As user become stronger and dabbles deeper in mana, title effects would be enhanced.

User´s mana sensitivity is tripled

10% of total mana is concentrated in a spot of Mana Pool as 100% pure mana.]

As this happen both Xol and Kenia could see the center of the ring slowly started to become black and the surrounding soil become lighter in color.

"What was that? What kind of notification you got? It was as if some of your mana accumulated itself in you mana pool and send the impurities further from it to other parts of the pool!" Kenia was bewildered and asked Xol.

"Well you see…" Xol explained the title he got from the pure mana hall and how it said it evolved from the concept he learned from her and the public lecture.

"I see, we should report this to teacher Izuriel as it pertains to the pure mana hall." Kenia said with a bright smile.

'I also should tell Ena so she can ripe this nice effect' Kenia though soon after.

"Un, I can report it to him as I want to be his disciple and am doing a set of task he gave him." Xol nodded. Kenia mood dropped hearing Xol was going to report it, but soon recovered thinking a possibility.

"Then did he ask you become a botanist?!" Kenia said with expectations on her eyes.

"No, he told me to…" Xol explained the situation he was going through. Kenia mood dropped again

"*Cough*Cough*, well with this spot you can certainly start growing some medical herbs and other plants. Let me explain to you then the various things so you can get the Botanist side job" Kenia said a she examined the soil.

Exiting the ring Kenia gave Xol a full breakthrough of botany and how to obtain the side job later. Xol stayed the whole morning learning and around 2pm a girl came to the greenhouse.

[Ena Dark Elven Bow Initiated LVL 10]

"Here you were mum let go and eat" Ena said a she saw Kenia.

"Ena, I´m currently teaching Xol here some botany let me finish first, I´m almost finish." Kenia said with a smile and gestured Xol.

"Wait Xol, where I heard that name… AH. You´re the second-best student in our generation, right?" Ena said as she pointed at Xol. Hearing the comment Xol nodded.

"Good now I don't have to find someone in the top 10. I challenge you to a ranking battle." Ena said as she extended her academy ring as it started glowing. Xol could see his ring also started glowing and soon a notification appeared.

[Mana academy:

User Ena has challenged to a ranking battle.

Do you accept: Yes / No

If you reject your position would be changed with user Ena as you have not undertaken a ranking battle in the last seven days]