Controlling the Pure Mana

After finishing the imprint design, Xol handed the piece of paper to Kingo.

"A phoenix?" Kingo said seeing a bird flying with his head looking upward with both wings giving off blazes. A column of flames propelling his body and ash in the bottom of the flames. Truly speaking, Kingo only know it was a phoenix thanks to Xol writing it in the top of the sheet.

"Un, it my favorite creature." Xol said nodding with his arm crossed in satisfaction.

"I see, Xol can you fully explain me what a phoenix, back in the Shinto region I never heard of them and didn't understand what Jun referred that time." Kingo said scratching the side of his head with his left hand.

"Well a phoenix is mystical bird that a small part of it body is made of flames, when it dies it would rise again from his ashes in a brighter flame and becoming stronger in the process… " Xol described all the lore he knew about his favorite creature. He described how it was an elemental bird and there where even some with other elements, but the fire one was the most notorious.

"I see, with that explanation it should be easier to create the imprint. I think it the imprint would look like this then right." Kingo said as he showed an imprint in the air with mana. The imprint was very similar but Kingo had made the image cleared especially the flame column and ashes which gave a better impression.

"Yeah that it." Xol nodded with his eyes gleaming at how it looked and loved how lifelike the flames and blazes looked.

"Okay I'll do my best I only used the material one time since it a pretty rare drop for the farmers and the one I used didn't had the awaken this has." Kingo said as he took the materials and started focusing. He focused himself completely in the task, picturing all the steps for the hunting knife, he wanted to create the best hunting knife understanding the value of the materials and not allowing a single mistake on the process.

Xol took a seat and started recreating the sparring hall as he hadn't fully recreated correctly. Xol also had noted something as he worked on the recreation, his mana looked much dimmer compared to Kingo and he felt that the dormitory recreation he made last week looked brighter. Xol recreated the dormitory and comparing what he was seeing with what he remembered he found it looked different.

'Is it related to what teacher Kenia taught me? About mana purity and how due the title evolutions some mana distributed its impurities to the surrounding mana to become 100% pure?' Xol thought with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

'Can I control when I use the 100% pure mana or the rest of my mana.' Xol tilted his head.

'Teacher Kenia said it was easier to picture mana as water, then if I visualize both types and visualize using the pure mana maybe I can use it for the recreation task or other skills.?' Xol concluded.

Xol started visualizing a lake with turbid water. Remembering that in the life ring the pure mana was distributed in the center in a circular shape, he pictured the center of the lake was a half hollow sphere that divided the clear water inside it from the turbid murky water. He pictured the clear water moving as he extended his right hand and manipulate his mana to create a small sphere.

Opening his eyes Xol saw a mana sphere similar that looked dim compared to what he hoped. Not daring to give up Xol tried again and on his third try Xol was excited to see a bright mana sphere that even looked brighter than Kingo mana imprint.

Dispelling the mana, Xol closes his eyes again and tried again this time he extended both hands and tried to create pure mana sphere in his right hand while in his left he used his other mana with impurities to create another. Opening his eyes Xol saw both spheres where the same and not as bright as the first.

Trying again both were bright, it took some time but Xol finally achieved success and he could do the process with his eyes open. After that he tried transforming each sphere to the other type which resulted easier. After a brief time Xol created again two bright spheres with the pure mana but a brief time late they dispelled on their own before he could try to manipulate at the same time.

'Guess I ran out of the pure version.' Xol thought. Seeing his mana had fallen already by almost 400 MP, Xol nodded figuring he had used the 175 Pure mana and some of the impure version.

Once Xol mana generated completely and he started recreating an image he had thought, Kingo had finished focusing himself and started to craft the knife. He had visualized the both the shape of the knife and the purpose Xol would give it, even picturing a strong phoenix rising from its ashes.

As he worked, he tried to transmit these images to the materials, at first it was difficult as if the materials rebelled against him not wanting to be manipulated by anyone but soon, he managed to merge them and work on them.

While this happened Xol was smiling from happiness seeing the image of a phoenix flapping its wings rising from his ashes made with pure mana in front of him. He had made phoenix from his impure mana and once it 'crashed' onto the floor he transform it into ash, from them he shaped the man to resemblance a bright flame erupting as he used his pure mana with brighter phoenix rising from the flame making a column of fire as he extended his wings flapping them full of energy.

Xol had enjoyed recreating this and recreated it various time as Kingo forged, every time he would strive to make the sequence more glorious and marvelous as he polished his control over the control pure and impure use at the same time.

Soon Kingo was onto the last part of the forging, he was imprinting the image Xol asked and soon started the cooling off of the blade. Rubbing his forehead Kingo worked on the polishing of the blade and created the handle in his assembling table. Pulling both parts together in the assembling table Kingo was ready to finish the craft and all that was left was for the system to do the final part, he was mentally prepared as the system could improve his work or deemed as failure.

Xol had fully restored his mana and was making the rising of the pure mana version phoenix when Xol felt a strong suction force draining the mana in a large radius absorbing the phoenix and flames as it flapped its wings. Xol panicked not because the suction, as he already had felt the mana drain as a knife was made but this time the phenomena was many times bigger and what was worse all his mana was being drained not just the phoenix he made.

Xol didn't know if it was due he being using mana as the phenomena happened but soon all his mana was absorbed and he fell to the ground gasping for air due the sudden suction of his mana.

Some moment later the phenomena ended, seeing various notifications Kingo was perplexed at them and grabbed the knife and inspected it. The blade was light blue like the fang but contrary to the fang, the blade looked as a light blue metal with a sharp edge thanks to the beast core and the system. The blade was 30 cm up till the guard and on the opposite side of the cutting edge there were small sharp barbed indents to remove scales.

The handle had a comfortable grip made from the lioness fur and it had a guard with some blazes on it. It had a ring connected to the lower portion of the handle where a winged lioness feather was hanging connected through thread of the lioness fur. Finally, the imprint was located above the guard with the phoenix looking upward as if it wanted to fly to the other knife end.

Soon a panicked expression could be seeing in his face as he read the description and he quickly took a ring with some inscriptions from and an opening from his inventory. He used the open section to hook it to the ring below the handle. Inserting some mana, the ring closed and after that he manipulated the knife description.

"Xol you're ind… what's wrong?" Kingo said as he glanced a Xol and saw he was in the floor panting. Kingo place th knife in the assembly table and ran to Xol side.

"Hey easy, where you affected by the mana syphon the system used to finish the craft?" Kingo said as he helped Xol up. Seeing him nod once he sat in a chair, Kingo took out a Mana potion from his inventory.

"Here, drink it slowly and in small sips." Kingo said giving the potion to Xol.

"Chief what happened, why did there was such a strong mana syphon? Also is he, all right?" Three blacksmiths came.

"He would be. About the syphon, I made a really good knife and the system had to syphon a large amount of mana of the surroundings for it." Kingo said seeing Xol face was recovering his color and glanced at the blacksmith. Kingo was also slightly surprised when they told him they felt a little of their mana drain for a brief moment.

"Xol wait a little before moving once your mana regenerates completely and, if you feel dizzy or something, we would help you to the nursery once your MP regenerates." Kingo said and gestured some of his friends, which they nodded.

"Thank you but I'm already feeling better that the phenomena ended." Xol replied and gestured them not to worry.