A Month Improvement

Its already been a month since Xol became chef Hao pupil and he had been going in the morning to start his lesson and eat breakfast, once it was a little past noon he would return to the school and recreate the academy facilities. He would enter the dungeons before dinnertime and sometimes spar with Kingo or Richter after exiting the dungeons.

Thanks to working and learning in the Crimson Coiling Dragon Xol's stats had improved slightly, he could have improved more but chef Hao was very strict with his diet and warn him to wait before preparing dishes that gave stats increases. Xol also had maintained his position as 2nd place in his generation accepting around 10 duels. Sadly, not everything was good news as Xol nightmares had become more frequent and began affecting his daily activities. With the slight increases in stats, Xol had reached 30 points in STR which had let him try using a normal naginata against Richter and was sparring with Kingo using a dual bladed naginata.

*Clang *Clang

Xol parried with the shaft of the naginata the katana blades headed at his head, taking the chance Xol pulled the naginata toward his left side and advance with a pierce, pulling his right arm toward his right side and pushing with his left he landed a slash with the second blade as he took a step.

"Xol stop Kingo arms, not the blades, this would reduce his slashing strength and you avoid harm on your weapon. Kingo try to vary where your skills hit, you always do the double slash focusing on the head, go for the sides or the chest. Once you achieve this try more difficult locations like the middle of the shoulder or above the knees." Richter commented. "Xol close your leg's compass to add more fluidity to your footwork."

Xol had tried to do a stab but Kingo deflected it and advanced with a vertical slash at him. Lifting his right hand Xol controlled the naginata to land a diagonally upward slash to intercept Kingo katana.


Recovering the distance for the naginata usage, Xol made horizontal slashes to keep Kingo at bay, soon he started sliding his hands between the shaft to add diagonal slashes and would release the grip to whirlwind the naginata from side to side.

Feeling the pressure and seeing a certain skill cooldown ended, Kingo sent force to his legs and jumped backward making 4 meters of distance. Xol shot a Mana Bullet at Kingo and advanced toward him but as he advanced Kingo did a thrust with his right katana and a whirlwind formed from the blade advancing toward Xol.

The whirlwind had a 30 cm radius from the katana and the wind looked as small blades touching the tip of the katana as they circled, once the whirlwind reached a length of two meters, the wind coming from the blade stopped and slashed Xol as it advanced. Kingo sheathed his katanas and advanced.

Normally he uses the Iaido strike to make an upward diagonal slash from his left side and return the blade to the sheath as he landed with his right leg.

This time he made a vertical slash as the blade left the sheath, Xol tried to block this with the shaft, but not expecting the change, he received the slash. The slash stopped in the shaft and using a flick of his wrist Kingo used the handle to land a blow in Xol's chest, taking a small chunk of HP, before returning the blade to the sheath. With the successful execution of the skill requirement from the blade to return of the sheath, Xol received the skill damage.

Taking the opportunity Kingo advanced with his left leg and prepared to use Battou strike on Xol ribs. Seeing that Kingo was grabbing the other katana he extended the naginata to protect his left side.


Kingo blade cut through the weakened shaft, sending Xol out the arena. Sighing Xol soon noticed the dual naginata ended. His left hand had the bladed end from his thumb while the right hand had the bladed end coming from his pinky.

"Kingo not sure if you're too strong or your crafts are weak" Richter broke the silence.

"Seriously I don't know how to reply to that." Kingo sighed as he left the arena.

"Either way that was a good combo with the Iaido strike, how about you try to leave your comfort zone of how the skills are used. That should help you in getting the katana intent." Richter extended his left hand as he gave his thoughts.

"Yeah, it should give more options as I attack." Kingo nodded as he closed his arm and pondered how to open more his style.

As this happened Xol did some slashes and stabbed the air with the cut left side of the naginata, placing the blade of the right end slightly on the floor, Xol switched the grip before also slashing with the right side.

"Kingo is there a way for a dual naginata to be able to detach each end in the middle of the shaft?" Xol asked as he walked to Kingo.

"I may be able to pull it. Liked the feeling of using a weapon on each hand?" Kingo said as he tilted his head.

"Un, it feels like they are an extension of my hands." Xol said with a smile but then he tilted his face and tried something.

He extended his hand and visualized casting Mana Bullet from the blade, seeing the mana bullet's magic circle appear in front of the naginata and shooting afterward.


"Not bad, if you can add that to your style even, I would have trouble." Richter said nodding at the mana bullet impact in a nearby wall. "By the way, Xol have you not developed any spear related skill?"

"Nope, I did got Mana Shield some week ago but I haven't developed any spear related skill." Xol shook his head.

"Yeah, I saw how you used to it to block Kingo's first Whirlwind Swords Thrust skill but felt it was weird you don't have the normal slash nor pierce skills." Richter commented.

Xol laughed awkwardly hearing the comment and stored the cut naginata halves.


"Well, I think that's our signal for dinner, hehe." Richter said hearing Kingo stomach growling.

Soon the group went to eat and returned to the dormitory.

"You said tomorrow you couldn't spar right Xol, any reason?" Kingo commented as they arrived n the room.

"Chef Hao asked if I could help him in the afternoon as tomorrow would be a busy day seeing the reservations, he hopes I improve my skill as I help." Xol said as he sat on his bed.

"Nice, you better level up and improve." Richter commented with a slightly watered mouth.

"You just want more food, right?" Xol commented seeing Richter face.

"What the food of Magical chef are really easy to digest and have fewer impurities compared with the normal food. For a mana cultivator, this offers a lot more benefits." Richter shook his head and commented with a poker face.

"And it tastes better than the pills you make right." Kingo commented with a smirk.

"Once you class change to mana cultivator you would understand." Richter commented as he looked at another side.

Laughing it off, the group continued chatting. Marcel arrived sometime later and informed he had finished the first of the two spells he thought and the second was closing in. Congratulating him hey tried to convince him to tell them what he was working but it proved futile.