Well Intended Love: Parallel Universe Of Love Chapter 5

Xia Lin thinks the two met a long time ago, and asks Jia Fei how many things she hid from her. Jia Fei denies it, and wants to reject Wen Li. Xia Lin thinks Wen Li is very nice, and Jia Fei hangs up. Yi Zhou texts Xia Lin that he will pick her up tomorrow.

The next day, Xia Lin gets in Yi Zhou's car and learns that he is going to go to UK. She tells him to focus on his works. Xia Lin reveals that she needs to give the stuff to Jia Fei, and Yi Zhou leaves the job to Wen Li.

Wen Li agrees to it and asks if Jia Fei is at home. Xia Lin says yes and reveals Jia Fei wants to hold wedding in Bali. Yi Zhou asks Xia Lin which place she wants to hold wedding. She says that she doesn't think about it, and asks Wen Li when his last vacation was.

Wen Li reveals his last vacation was around 5 years ago, but he says that he cannot be relaxing when the Boss is still working.

Chu Yan walks in the dressing room and sees the engagement contract. He asks Yu Shi what it is when she is trying to take away the engagement contract.

Chu Yan blames Yi Zhou for making contract in the engagement. Yi Zhou asks Chu Yan who told him about it. Chu Yan says that Yu Shi walked in when he saw the contract, and thinks nobody else saw it.

Yi Zhou calls Wen Li and tells him to warn Yu Shi. Chu Yan learns that Xia Lin didn't like Yi Zhou when she was engaged with him. Yi Zhou tells Chu Yan not to harm Xia Lin.

Chu Yan claims that he keeps protecting Xia Lin. Xia Lin walks in, and Chu Yan leaves. Yi Zhou hugs Xia Lin and wants to kiss her. But she leaves because she needs to work.

Wen Li walks in Jia Fei's room and cleans up the room for her. She wakes up and is surprised that he is at her house. He explains that he came in because the door didn't close.

Jia Fei vomits and asks Wen Li what he will do if he is the role who is in pregnancy. He thinks she should tell it to the baby's father because being pregnancy is tough. He says that he will love them if he has wife and children.

Zhao Ying calls Chu Yan and asks him to invite some friends to his photo exhibition. Chu Yan asks Xia Lin to attend it. She agrees to it and treats it as the returning a favor. Because she knows Chu Yan helped her get the role.

Yu Shi sees Xia Lin off, and gets a message from Wen Li, who asks her to take care of the contract. She sneers. Wei Ning gives Yu Shi a document about Xia Lin. Yu Shi is nervous and asks Wei Ning not to tell it to Xia Lin.

Chu Yan takes Xia Lin to the exhibition, and she sees a photo of her. Chu Yan explains that he took it for her when the drama wrapped up. Xia Lin thinks Chu Yan is good at photography. He brags that he is super photographer.

Chu Yan tells Xia Lin that he knew the engagement contract of her and Yi Zhou, and promises to keep it a secret for her. He thinks it would be different if he could stay with her at the dinner party. He tells her that she can stay with the person she loves when the contract ends. Xia Lin thanks Chu Yan for keeping the secret for her.

Xia Lin remembers what Chu Yan said that Yi Zhou thought he was forced to do so. Xia Lin tells herself that it was just a deal.

Jia Fei finds out that she is in pregnancy, and she screams. Jia Fei tells Xia Lin that she is sick so that she cannot go shopping with her. Xia Lin gets it.

Xia Lin notes that two persons are following her. She wears the black mask, and runs into the dressing room. The shop seller asks her if the clothes is suitable for her.

Xia Lin says yes, and opens the door. She is surprised to see Yi Zhou as she thought he was in UK. He tells her that he wants to protect her, and reveals he drove away the paparazzi for her. He wants to kiss her, and she flees outside and hides in the clothes.

Xia Lin wants to make sure if Yi Zhou leaves. But he catches the chance to kiss her.