NAMELESS VILLAGE it's not ....."REAL",,,,,,,,,,ahhhhhhhhh.

it's a shock to me, do you want to know ...

if you ask any other wish do you have than this?, to a senior citizen, 9/10 people will answer "to become child", but what they really want to say is to become " between Teenage to young adult hood ".

yes, in my adulthood due to some intervention i was transported to another world, but not my body. In here my body looks like 12 year old child, just as same height as my friend KAMUY. Now i understand why she didn't thought me as threat, as abandoned child.

KAMUY - small little girl as the age of 12, two small horns in her head, dressed in a leather cloth with lot of knife hiding in her cloth, foot and small pouches  attached to her dress.

we talk lot but our conversation always fails, because we both spoke different language. so i tried to learn languages from her but she only able to speak not read or write . so i thought of teaching my language, for food we hunt monsters and for water we drank from pond from many place in the cave and magical stones will appears from some of the monsters not all of them.

magical stones has different colour and size, bigger the monster bigger the stone, if we strike directly on the magical stone which is on the body of the monster, monster will die and magical stone vanishes.

"After three month, we became close friends."

Kamuy - come... come...

where are we going  ?

i want to show you "my secret place".

we gone to deep cave, i saw two cemetery.

i asked " who are they?"

they are my parents ,they died 2 months age before you appear.

i pray to their parents by folding my hands.

what are u doing ?

i am praying for your parents soul to find peace . she also followed my pose and done same thing.

Then she went behind their cemetery taken some bag, inside the bag there was a letter which is written in skin and a bracelet, these are things my father gave when he died.

By looking at the letter and bracelet thought kamuy  father was waiting for some one ,but still the person had not come until his death.  By looking at kamuy it's remained of my brother who was hospitalize staying in a room looking at window seeing group of kids playing.

I made a decision , I looked at kamuy placing my hands on her shoulder and said ,let's get of cave.

huh...(she was shocked and scared)

kamuy listen to me , let's get out of cave , we cannot survive here. she didn't reply me but i understood she was afraid of outside world because she spent all her life in the cave and her parents also said to her don't leave the cave.

kamuy - i am not only your friend but also i  consider you as sister more than that as my "FAMILY". when the word family she heard  she said "ok".

(we both packed our ration and started to go out the cave, but i did not it's easy as I thought....)

it's more than a year passed, i guess we have travelled more than 90000km but we are still inside the cave. during this past lot of things i have observed, like my body slightly became stronger but not as strong as kamuy  i'e kamuy can hit is 25 times the power of human strength but for me it is 10 times , she can lift the heavy object more than 1500kg but for me i can lift up to 700kg, when kamuy become anrgry or excited or furious while throwing magical stones, power of stone increases 2 times or 4 time or even 8time, but for me whatever i do it has the same amount of power.

MAGICAL STONES:  Based on colour it has it's power



These are stones we have collected ,some are use full and some not or we don't known what it's uses.

Mostly i don't fight monsters like kamuy .i lay a bait, trap and kill. as time passes like these.

one day a giant centipede made surprise attack , it is the biggest monster we have ever faced, kamuy hit it with physical attack and kicks but the attack doesn't have any effect, it's legs are like a long sharp needle ,by using it, it can travel all around the cave , so kamuy thrown three red stones at top where the centipede holding the ceiling, centipede acted fast and moved from stones attack, but the stones touched the ceiling and exploded , during explosion the ceiling totally fell and hole is formed, bright light appeared from the hole.

Now centipede coming straight at me ,suddenly kamuy came in between us she hold me from one hand, throw the magical stone pouches in it's mouth on the other hand and using her feet as a momentum which made both of us fly above the centipede, centipede  swallowed the pouch and gone straight in it's speed and blasted .

it's more than a year since i saw a light but for her it's first time, i wonder how she feels.

What  it is? It's  like a flow of water. I gone near it , placed my hand inside the showering light, it's is warm but not heat, it's bright but nor fire, now I entered the whole showering light , my body is shining. I want to how outside looks, brother come here . I hold my brother, used my feet as momentum and jumped through the hole.  Outside, standing at the top mountain with white coved stones , I touched it , it's cold , it split in to small when I try to hold , when I take a step my leg would sunk on it , it's amazing world .

[It's the mountain covered with snow , at the bottom of the mountain It's a forest , we both started to travel bottom .]

From far away I saw a group of people travelling in the forest. (Huh...….. I am saved). I told kamuy that we are meeting them.

It became night , KAMUY had a good sense of smell , which made me easy to track , as I near them where they made a camp .Reaching before a few meters of them, I heard a foot steps which is same like wolf monsters , kamuy  hold hand my hand ,shook her head by saying threat is near by.

I signaled kamuy, she understood my thought, she climbed through a tree and scouted the area , from the tree she said  8 wolf, 3 north 2 south 2 west 2 east, heading for the camp.

I told her take north, as I take south , we split up ------------

North-  from the back of the three , I took a knife and jumped at the centre of  three before they react , I killed the front one before me as I turn back behind me another one jumped  to me as lean backwards it passes above me at the time I stabbed it, next one made a howl sound , I throw  the knife at it very fast ,it enter it's head skull and died.

South – I throw a stone ,both of the wolf heard it, they turned back and slowly came , from the top I fell  with knife in my both hands and made double kill. In next second I heard a howl sound.

Kamuy  was the first one to enter camp , as she enter she saw a wolf was try to bit a small kids , with a speed she ran and punched it's stomach , it flew  hit a tree and fell down and died . one of wolf came at her with jump she also jumped and stabbed it .

As I enter I saw a old man defending one of wolf with a stick and another young man wearing a shield and holding a knife fighting with another (which is bigger than others). I threw a knife at the one , it stabbed it but with little bit of strength it try to stand up old man hit it's head with a stick it died, as for the other it breathe from it's mouth , shield  became hot for him to hold , I threw a knife at it , but it moved , now it came straight at me with a force , I waited...….waited...,when it came close to bite me , I moved one step right and turn left , now I am facing it's body now i stabbed it with my whole power and it died slowly .

Now  I taken a long breath , from the right young who hold the shield saying to me...dd...….fdf...dff...…..hy...., from my left old came he says ....fd....fdf.....hy...…..sds...…..    . I don't understand their language , I looked at the others i was shocked ... because what I saw was 3 persons head was with cat ears , 2 dwarf , one elf , suddenly my body started to burn up and I fell unconscious.

When I woke up , I saw different species like those of kind which i read in fantasy novels, on my left kamuy slept , old man came near me and said are u awake , now I able to understand their language , I said yes and asked where I am I ?, he replied I talked to you companion but I don't know her language so I waited for you to wake up, and he said tomorrow we are travel to our village would you like come.

Yes sir, Thank you.  Huh what is your village name ?.Name, we don't have one. Huh...…Nameless village ,"where am I really?"
